As we are coming close to the end of the year, it's important to remember that sharing is caring and to not try to steal from people bigger than you are hehe
Commission for Eliv and PaxTheDruid of their handsome guys having a messy time together.
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Commission for Xane
Always fun to take commissions involving myself in the picture. :) Overall really happy with this - even for very simple backgrounds, they add a lot, and I'm excited to see where I get in a years time.
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Tammy taking advantage of Tommys morning wood
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portrait of ocs Alex and Lexi
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A pixelart clean-up job on a very old traditional media sketch of mine.
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all backgrounds on my Boosty!
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Ratchas characters. Skye experimenting with her brother.
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...To share in love and mirth, so when the Mistletoe Doe comes trotting by, you adhere to her request!
whether it's your rival, your mom, or even your sister!
is mistletoe. Must kiss!
Witcher found himself a bit of an overzelous friend, no worries, He's more than enjoying it.
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Be a Pokémon trainer. It’ll be fun!
me and my alter ego :3
"Audio log. Scribe Fairchild, Pokemon Rangers, Kanto division.
"We have a little better idea of how this parasite works. It wasn't easy; the hosts of the creatures adamantly refused all suggestions of exploratory surgery. We ha to compule all previous data and make guesses at how the parasite integrates (or assimilates) with its host.
"I have attached a diagram using Subject 17 as a base. Subject 17 is a 35 year old female Absol and had been a farmr prior to infestation. She (and her parasite) gave her name as Meryl.
"Initial examinations showed Meryl to be of reasonable fitness for a farmer, with good muscle tone and only three benign mutations. Exterior examinations of her her pelvic bone displayed signs that she had been pregnant and given birth at some point prior to infestation; an assessment that she confirmed when asked.
"An MRI an utrasounsd were conducted and used to create a diagram of her internal anatomy and the parasite residing within her body. Similar scans from other subjects helped to refine this diagram further.
"From what we can gather, this creature's attachment to the host's cardiovascular system extens throughout its body. The uterine artery and vein are apparently fused to the parasite's posterior segment, just below the junction where its digestive track fuses with the host's lower colon. With all that blood flowing through its body, the creature's own internal temperature rises to the point that the host can feel it as a gentle warmth in their abdomen.
"The tendrils near the creature's posterior segment have been positively identified as its neurological interface with the host. As mentioned in the previous report, these tendrils invade the spinal colum's interior space and follow the spinal cord all the way to the brain, whereupon it seeks out very specific regions of its host's brain and assimilates into them. The effect is clear; it can see what the host sees, hear what they hear, and can manipulate their thinking to suit its desires. So far this has been largely benign, as the creature uses this interface to communicate with its host (and with us through them). [1]
"The uterus and ovaries are completely absent in all scans that we were safely able to condust. The reproductive organs are completely missing, presumably eaten or otherwise assimilated by this creature during the infestation process. The vaginal canal has been altered and mutated, forming a protective sac around the parasite and separating it from the host's other internal organs. At the same time however, the posterior segment of the creature's body is fused to this sac. It can move around within its sac freely, even extend its full body length outside of its host vaginally, though the act of doing so always involves some amount of vaginal prolapse.
"The blood chemistry of the subject conforms with all other subjects on record. The creature is generating and passing estrogen and other hormones into its host's blood. The composition of these hormones includes progesterone and placental lactogen. It is essentially tricking its host's body into thinking it is pregnant. The host's body then responds to these hormones by increasing blood flow to the parasite, and thus increases its nutrient supply.
"The host's appetite is in line with a pregnant female, though our provisions do not allow us to keep more than one subject for study at a time due to their increased nutitional demands. This 'fake pregnancy' could lead to other situations, but they are beyond the scope of this report.
"One thing to note, however, is that if the host hasn't consumed enough nutrition or calories that day, their parasite will emerge and begin hunting for food. This could be table scraps, small feral rodent pokemon, or even insects. What it finds, it eats on its own while its host sits (or stands) there patiently. In some cases, it made a host sleepwalk to retrieve a slice of cake from a food dispenser, all without the host waking from slumber. This demonstrates that the host and parasite still have separate sleep cycles. [2]
"At least it does not change their memories to a dramatic degree. We've finally been able to discern how these subjects became infested. But the hosts have varied accounts of how they were infested. Our interviews fell into two groups, those that remember and those that don't.
"Those who do not remember becoming infested simply od not have any such memory. They went to have a nap, or went to bed, and simply woke up with the parasite in their bodies and minds. They all stated they had to clean themselves and their bedding, as they had heavy vaginal bleeding throughout that day.
"The group that remembers being infested has described being bitten by something and temporarily rendered immobile. Then they saw the creature come out of its hiding spot. The next moments were graphic, so I'll simplify it by saying that the creature entered the host's vaginal canal and began eating their cervix and uterus immediately. This naturally caused heavy bleeding, but the parasite fully entered the host's abdominal cavity a moment later and attached itself to the severed veins and arteries, preventing any further blood loss.
"The assimilation process began after that point. The second group of subjects described being blinded with pain. Some of them remember vomitting, but they all recall the pain ending the moment they felt the parasite's presence in their minds for the first time. There was a moment of disorientation, confusion over who they were, and then a sense of calmness and a strong need to rest for the day and acclimate. That the bleeding they experienced, and any initial distress or discomfort, was neccessary and not anything to get upset over.
"Both groups share the common belief that their infestations aren't a bad thing. That their 'unions' were intended for their survival and that of the creature within them. They don't see this creature as a parasite, or rather the creature does not see itself as such and is influencing the host's reasoning to believe the same. It is willing to protect its host and vice versa, as we have seen when one of these creatures bit and paralyzed one of my staff during an examination under the belief that it was being endangered.
"Our research is still ongoing. This may be one of the longer research projects we will have been tasked with. But as I stated before, the more we know about this creature the better prepared we are to deal with it."
1. The hosts describe this kind of connection as "becoming one" with the creature. They cease using first person singular pronouns and begin using first person plural pronouns such as "we" and "us".
2. It may not be able to directly control its host's body, but it is clearly capable of influencing them into performing certain actions, such as the sleepwalking. This means it has some sway over the host's subconscious mind, even while they sleep.
"Audio log. Scribe Fairchild, Pokemon Rangers, Kanto division.
"We have a little better idea of how this parasite works. It wasn't easy; the hosts of the creatures adamantly refused all suggestions of exploratory surgery. We ha to compule all previous data and make guesses at how the parasite integrates (or assimilates) with its host.
"I have attached a diagram using Subject 17 as a base. Subject 17 is a 35 year old female Absol and had been a farmr prior to infestation. She (and her parasite) gave her name as Meryl.
"Initial examinations showed Meryl to be of reasonable fitness for a farmer, with good muscle tone and only three benign mutations. Exterior examinations of her her pelvic bone displayed signs that she had been pregnant and given birth at some point prior to infestation; an assessment that she confirmed when asked.
"An MRI an utrasounsd were conducted and used to create a diagram of her internal anatomy and the parasite residing within her body. Similar scans from other subjects helped to refine this diagram further.
"From what we can gather, this creature's attachment to the host's cardiovascular system extens throughout its body. The uterine artery and vein are apparently fused to the parasite's posterior segment, just below the junction where its digestive track fuses with the host's lower colon. With all that blood flowing through its body, the creature's own internal temperature rises to the point that the host can feel it as a gentle warmth in their abdomen.
"The tendrils near the creature's posterior segment have been positively identified as its neurological interface with the host. As mentioned in the previous report, these tendrils invade the spinal colum's interior space and follow the spinal cord all the way to the brain, whereupon it seeks out very specific regions of its host's brain and assimilates into them. The effect is clear; it can see what the host sees, hear what they hear, and can manipulate their thinking to suit its desires. So far this has been largely benign, as the creature uses this interface to communicate with its host (and with us through them). [1]
"The uterus and ovaries are completely absent in all scans that we were safely able to condust. The reproductive organs are completely missing, presumably eaten or otherwise assimilated by this creature during the infestation process. The vaginal canal has been altered and mutated, forming a protective sac around the parasite and separating it from the host's other internal organs. At the same time however, the posterior segment of the creature's body is fused to this sac. It can move around within its sac freely, even extend its full body length outside of its host vaginally, though the act of doing so always involves some amount of vaginal prolapse.
"The blood chemistry of the subject conforms with all other subjects on record. The creature is generating and passing estrogen and other hormones into its host's blood. The composition of these hormones includes progesterone and placental lactogen. It is essentially tricking its host's body into thinking it is pregnant. The host's body then responds to these hormones by increasing blood flow to the parasite, and thus increases its nutrient supply.
"The host's appetite is in line with a pregnant female, though our provisions do not allow us to keep more than one subject for study at a time due to their increased nutitional demands. This 'fake pregnancy' could lead to other situations, but they are beyond the scope of this report.
"One thing to note, however, is that if the host hasn't consumed enough nutrition or calories that day, their parasite will emerge and begin hunting for food. This could be table scraps, small feral rodent pokemon, or even insects. What it finds, it eats on its own while its host sits (or stands) there patiently. In some cases, it made a host sleepwalk to retrieve a slice of cake from a food dispenser, all without the host waking from slumber. This demonstrates that the host and parasite still have separate sleep cycles. [2]
"At least it does not change their memories to a dramatic degree. We've finally been able to discern how these subjects became infested. But the hosts have varied accounts of how they were infested. Our interviews fell into two groups, those that remember and those that don't.
"Those who do not remember becoming infested simply od not have any such memory. They went to have a nap, or went to bed, and simply woke up with the parasite in their bodies and minds. They all stated they had to clean themselves and their bedding, as they had heavy vaginal bleeding throughout that day.
"The group that remembers being infested has described being bitten by something and temporarily rendered immobile. Then they saw the creature come out of its hiding spot. The next moments were graphic, so I'll simplify it by saying that the creature entered the host's vaginal canal and began eating their cervix and uterus immediately. This naturally caused heavy bleeding, but the parasite fully entered the host's abdominal cavity a moment later and attached itself to the severed veins and arteries, preventing any further blood loss.
"The assimilation process began after that point. The second group of subjects described being blinded with pain. Some of them remember vomitting, but they all recall the pain ending the moment they felt the parasite's presence in their minds for the first time. There was a moment of disorientation, confusion over who they were, and then a sense of calmness and a strong need to rest for the day and acclimate. That the bleeding they experienced, and any initial distress or discomfort, was neccessary and not anything to get upset over.
"Both groups share the common belief that their infestations aren't a bad thing. That their 'unions' were intended for their survival and that of the creature within them. They don't see this creature as a parasite, or rather the creature does not see itself as such and is influencing the host's reasoning to believe the same. It is willing to protect its host and vice versa, as we have seen when one of these creatures bit and paralyzed one of my staff during an examination under the belief that it was being endangered.
"Our research is still ongoing. This may be one of the longer research projects we will have been tasked with. But as I stated before, the more we know about this creature the better prepared we are to deal with it."
1. The hosts describe this kind of connection as "becoming one" with the creature. They cease using first person singular pronouns and begin using first person plural pronouns such as "we" and "us".
2. It may not be able to directly control its host's body, but it is clearly capable of influencing them into performing certain actions, such as the sleepwalking. This means it has some sway over the host's subconscious mind, even while they sleep.
Commission for Baron and Cirrus!
Artist's Description:
19th-century naturalists, with their religious baggage, had disdain for bald eagles. So, naturally, artist Robert Havell drew one stealing from an osprey (aka kleptoparasitism, a common practice of bald eagles). If Aetus had been around, perhaps he would have inspired something more scandalous to illustrate. Rule34 of 19th century art-- I'm such a trailblazer lol.
If ya like what ya see, visit my Patreon! Only a buck a month gets you in to see stuff sooner and helps me produce more great content.
Part 2 - Dragon of the Womb
The onsen encounter was still lingering in Zukos thought. Before that night, he never thought about the possible, that his dad… eh … his uncle would have such worldly needs. Naturally, this was a silly presumption.
A few days after that night, his uncle was very jolly, happy and giggly. Wondering why, he asks him about it. And with a bright smile, his father figure answers.
“It’s a fertile day, prince!”
His flames on the tip of his horns burning brighter then ever. It seemed that they want to take the opportunity since Zuko broke the Contraception-Ring. As always, Zuko corrects his Uncle about his title, just to get hand on the shoulder of the smaller, older male and giving it a friendly squeeze.
“Firelord. Since 10 years, Uncle. And… “ he gulps, thinking about the Onsen again. “… do it, uncle.” Giving him a love filled wink with his good eye.
That night was sleepless one for Zuko. He could hear them.
All followed with lewd noises. It was clear what they aimed for. Restless, he stands up, walking around the corridors of his palace, to the quarters of the Dragon of the West. With just a shōji sliding door, the silhouette was hiding nothing to the imagination. Slowly, he opens the sliding door, entering the room and moving slowly into the direction of the loving pair.
Iroh, with his smaller body on top of the reversed piledriver, was deeply impaled in June. Eyes closed, savouring the tightness. Silently, Zuko walks over to his Uncle, while the red dragon was humping up and down, aided by gravity, driving him even deeper against Junes fertile core. The lewd sound of a thick cock spreading and exploring new places were getting more apparent.
The older dragon gasps, opening his eyes, as he noticed the Firelord for the first time, guiding him into kiss just in the very moment the red dragon pushes past her barrier. After a few intense seconds, the blue dragon pulls just an inch away.
“I… I love you uncle.”.
Without skipping a beat, Iroh returned the kiss intensely, while taking control. His tail exploring, his tongue pushing deeper into the younger male’s throat, while still fulfilling his duty as a breeder. After minutes of kissing, tailing and breeding June to the brim, the Dragon pauses the intense, deep kiss, allowing Zuko to inhale air.
“Does my little Firelord need… the Dragon of the… Womb… for himself?”
He asks whispering, poking Zuko’s prostate relentless, still humping June, while giving him a playful wink. Zuko gulps, his world still spinning from pleasure, but before he could answer, the smaller, red dragon was kissing him with added intensity again.
Iroh knew the answer.