Species: chocobo

Source: http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Chocobo

“Kweh!” —Chocobo

“A breed of flightless birds, characterized by their yellow feathers, distinct odor, and the unforgettable chirp, "kweh!" Domesticated for their gentle nature and quick feet, they are often used as a mode of ground transportation.” —Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy Museum profile

Chocobos (チョコボ, Chokobo?) [ˈtʃoʊ.kɵˌboʊ], also called Chocob, are a recurring race appearing throughout the Final Fantasy series. Large avian creatures, chocobos roughly act as the Final Fantasy equivalent of horses, being domesticated for use as mounts and for pulling carts and carriages. Since their first appearance in Final Fantasy II, they have appeared in every game in the series in some capacity and are a mainstay of the games, and could be considered the series' mascot. The character chocobo also serves as the protagonist of the Chocobo Series of spin-offs.

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