Species: pantherine

post #2952871 post #347814 post #2317939 post #1555419

Pantherine refers to any member of the Pantherinae subfamily, which includes the big cat genus panthera (lion, tiger, leopard, jaguar, and snow leopard) and the clouded leopard genus neofelis. For extinct species, this includes the cave_lion, american_lion, european_jaguar, and longdan tiger. This tag serves as an umbrella tag for the aforementioned species and has nothing to do with coloration. Use a more specific tag if possible.

Note: This tag should not be used with anything outside of the Pantherinae subfamily, thus it should not be used on or for cougar. Cougar has its own tag for a reason.

Genera and species

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The following tags are aliased to this tag: big_cat, black_panther, leonine, panter, panther, panthers, panthress, phanter, snow_panther, tiger_girl, white_panther (learn more).

This tag implicates felid (learn more).

The following tags implicate this tag: american_lion, cave_lion, clouded_leopard, jaguar, leopard, leopon, liger, lion, pantherine_humanoid, pantherine_taur, snow_leopard, sunda_clouded_leopard, tiger, tigon, werepantherine (learn more).

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