multi head

post #1050680
A character that has more than one head on a individual body.

This includes heads for hands, heads at the end of a tail and heads in place of genitalia or other body parts in addition to the standard head on the neck, as well as naturally multi headed species such as hydras and cerberus (if visible).

Heads that are still directly attached to each other should be tagged as multi face instead.

Note that multi-headed characters are counted as a single character, because otherwise any creature with three or more heads would automatically be group. Which would be useless for searchability.

Related tags

See also

General Multi
Explicit Multi
Other Multi related

The following tags are aliased to this tag: many_heads, multi-head, multi_heads, multiple_heads (learn more).

The following tags implicate this tag: 10_heads, 2_heads, 3_heads, 4_heads, 5_heads, 6_heads, 7_heads, 8_heads, 9_heads, cerberus (learn more).

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