two tone hair
When two different color hues exist in a single character's hair. Not to be used when only two shades of one color are used.
- Consider using other hair colors in addition to this tag.
- For similar tags, see: multicolored_hair and multicolored_mane.
Tags About Hair
Tags About Hair
Colors of Hair
Hair Accessories
Hair Maintenance
Hair Traits
- ahoge
- antenna_hair
- big_hair
- cowlick
- curled_hair
- flowing_hair
- fluffy_hair
- glistening_hair
- glittering_hair
- glowing_hair
- gradient_hair
- hair_highlights
- hair_mouth
- living_hair
- long_hair
- mane_hair
- messy_hair
- prehensile_hair
- pseudo_hair
- ethereal_hair
- feather_hair
- fin_hair
- flaming_hair
- goo_hair
- ice_hair
- lava_hair
- liquid_hair
- metallic_hair
- penis_hair
- plant_hair
- scale_hair
- smoke_hair
- snake_hair (See Also: living_hair)
- tentacle_hair
- short_hair
- spiky_hair
- spotted_hair
- straight_hair
- striped_hair
- translucent_hair
- wavy_hair
- wet_hair
The following tags are aliased to this tag: bi-color_hair, bi-colored_hair, bi-tone_hair, bi-toned_hair, bi_color_hair, bi_colored_hair, bi_tone_hair, bi_toned_hair, bicolor_hair, bicolored_hair, bitone_hair, bitoned_hair, double_color_hair, two-tone_hair, two-toned_hair, two_color_hair, two_colored_hair, two_toned_hair, two_tones_hair (learn more).
This tag implicates multicolored_hair (learn more).
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