Species: scalie

Scalie, or scaly, is a generic term invented by the furry fandom for reptiles and other species (with actual scales or not) that have reptilian features, such as dragons.

A common point of confusion with scalies is that they are any species with scaly skin. There are several notable exceptions to this idea, as the tag only requires reptilian features, not scales. For creatures with scales, just use the scales tag instead.

Examples of species with scales that are not scalie:

Examples of scalie species commonly seen without scales:

Some species that are considered scalies are

See other rankings:

The following tags are aliased to this tag: reptilian, reptilians, reptillian, scaley, scalies, scaly (learn more).

The following tags implicate this tag: argonian, au_ra, deathclaw, dragonborn_(dnd), evolved_vaxasaurian, feathered_scalie, furred_scalie, hammer_bro, iksar, kig-yar, kobold, koopa, koopa_troopa, kremling, lizardman, merlinisapien, mythological_scalie, orochi-bito, reptile, scalie_humanoid, scalie_taur, sethrak, sharpclaw_(star_fox), skaarj, vaxasaurian, viashino, viper_(x-com), werescalie, western_dragon (learn more).

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