humanoid genitalia
This tag is used for posts featuring characters with exposed human-like genitals, which consist of a humanoid penis with or without balls and/or a humanoid pussy.
Humanoid genitalia should generally be free of spikes, knots, medial rings, teeth, spines, prehensile components, and other non-human characteristics.
Note: Although human genitals in real life come in a somewhat restricted palette (such as being colored after their body for the shaft with red/pink glans), posts with "unnaturally colored" genitalia are allowed to use this tag, granted they are still of humanoid shape in nature.
Do not use this tag for posts featuring a humanoid character with animal genitalia, such as a humanoid with an equine penis.
The following tags are aliased to this tag: human_genital, human_genitalia, human_genitals, human_private_parts, human_sexual_organs, humanoid_genital, humanoid_genitalia_on_anthro, humanoid_genitals, humanoid_private_parts, humanoid_sexual_organs (learn more).
This tag implicates genitals (learn more).
The following tags implicate this tag: humanoid_genitalia_on_feral, humanoid_penis, humanoid_pussy (learn more).
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