Meta: traditional media (artwork)

post #2952780 post #2351100 post #2817364 post #2989101

This tag refers to artwork that "physically exists" (as opposed to digital artwork), created with traditional drawing, painting or sculpting tools. Most commonly this involves pencils, pens, colour pencils, markers, and paint, which may be used in combination - however, "traditional media" covers various other materials and tools listed bellow.

In many cases, traditionally created art is scanned or photographed, and then digitally coloured or otherwise manipulated.
Depending on the amount of change done digitally, these images may be tagged as mixed_media, as well as both digital_media_(artwork) and traditional_media_(artwork):

  • A scanned pen or pencil drawing that is adjusted for contrast (making the white of the paper brighter, and the lines appear darker and cleaner), or made monochrome digitally should be only tagged as traditional_media_(artwork)
  • The same traditional drawing that is inked, shaded or painted digitally should have all three media tags (if the traditional nature of the original image is still visible - e.g. pencil lines, ink imperfections, paper texture)

Traditional media materials:

Media types:

See also: tag_group:art

The following tags are aliased to this tag: artwork_(traditional), hand_drawn, scanned, traditional, traditional_(artwork), traditional_art, traditional_artwork, traditional_drawing, traditional_drawing_(artwork), traditional_media, traditional_media_artwork, traditionalart, tradtional (learn more).

The following tags implicate this tag: airbrush_(artwork), chalk_(artwork), charcoal_(artwork), colored_pencil_(artwork), crayon_(artwork), engraving_(artwork), graphite_(artwork), lithograph_(artwork), marker_(artwork), papercutting_(artwork), pastel_(artwork), pen_(artwork), sculpture_(artwork) (learn more).

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