small penis

post #622690 post #910714

Explicit Tag
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A character that has a noticeably small penis. When erect, the penis is no longer than the length of the hand or not much thicker than the thumb.

  • Do not use this tag if the character is wearing a chastity cage or any other kind of chastity device over their penis; it is not indicative of their true penis size.
  • In the case of hemipenes & diphallism, both halves are counted as a single penis in regards to total penis width.
  • For erect penises smaller than the thumb or pinky finger, use micropenis instead.


Related small

The following tags are aliased to this tag: little_dick, small_cock, small_dick, tiny_penis (learn more).

This tag implicates penis (learn more).

The following tags implicate this tag: big_balls_small_penis, micropenis (learn more).

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