huge penis

post #936276 post #601417

Explicit Tag
See Help: Ratings for more info.

A character that has a large penis above what is anatomically possible but is still, to some extent, plausible looking.

The penis is generally longer than 1/3 of the character's height/length or thicker than half the character's chest width between the armpits.

  • In the case of hemipenes & diphallism, both halves are counted as a single penis in regards to total penis width.
  • For a thicker or longer penis that isn't considered huge by these guidelines, use thick penis or long penis instead. (Tag big penis too if it applies.)


Related huge

See also

The following tags are aliased to this tag: giant_penis, gigantic_penis, huge_cock, huge_dick (learn more).

This tag implicates big_penis (learn more).

The following tags implicate this tag: hyper_penis (learn more).

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