huge penis
Explicit Tag
See Help: Ratings for more info.
A character that has a large penis above what is anatomically possible but is still, to some extent, plausible looking.
The penis is generally longer than 1/3 of the character's height/length or thicker than half the character's chest width between the armpits.
- In the case of hemipenes & diphallism, both halves are counted as a single penis in regards to total penis width.
- For a thicker or longer penis that isn't considered huge by these guidelines, use thick penis or long penis instead. (Tag big penis too if it applies.)
Related huge
- huge
See also
The following tags are aliased to this tag: giant_penis, gigantic_penis, huge_cock, huge_dick (learn more).
This tag implicates big_penis (learn more).
The following tags implicate this tag: hyper_penis (learn more).
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