post #2328363 post #2197731 post #2837655 post #2953083
A header in the context of this tag refers to information that appears at the beginning of a text entry or text box that describes or characterizes information following the header. It is commonly used to display character names before dialogue in video games, and visual novels).
A header may be present in text boxes, speech bubbles, and more rarely thought bubbles.
A header can be embedded within the text container, or placed inside an area that is separate from the rest of the text container. This area is known as a header box.
Not to be confused with
- caption - A caption is general text information describing some aspect of an image.
- title - A title is technically a header, but it lies outside of the scope of this tag. For now use this tag for smaller text or visual elements, and use the title tag for copyright, or other image-wide related headers. See also cover
Related tags
- dialogue
- text
- text_box - Usually in the form of a dialogue box.
- visual_novel
Related copyrights
See also
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