body zipper
When a character has a zipper as part of their body. Depending on the character, it may be a form of body modification or a normal part of their anatomy.
Tags About Body
Body Anatomy
- body_hair
- body_zipper
- multi_body
Body Maintenance
Body Traits
- glistening_body
- glowing_body
- metallic_body
- mottled_body
- night_sky_body
- spotted_body
- striped_body
- translucent_body
See also
General Anatomy
- body - A fallback for when the body texture is difficult to decipher.
- exoskeleton - An external skeleton often made of chitin, seen in insects and crustaceans.
- feathers - A complex texture, seen in birds, and most gryphons. Often applied to wings of such species.
- fur - A furry texture, seen in most mammals. Even a single tuft will influence this.
- scales - A squamous texture, seen in reptiles, scalies, and most dragons.
- skin - A smooth texture, seen in humans, dolphins, and amphibians.
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