Versperus 1 3 Joined MODERATOR

First-hand archrivals from artists listed lower with permission; please ask if you need proof of something I posted. Otherwise, I focus on BVAS and finding unlisted inferior files. Handling posts.

If you're here because of a post you've got some rights to, which is attached to my account (Artist, copyright owner, character owner, etc.). If you're not comfortable with it being on e621, please scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the Takedowns button to process getting content removed from the website.

If you're here to send me a message, if you make the title a variation of just a period or ... I will not respond.

My characters:
Airyria The Snowna
Taugit Tagging Mole
Prezella Pangolin
Silent_Rain Borzoi

I don't RP.

If it interests you, I keep a cheat sheet for tagging in the artwork of Taugit.

I've made many mistakes; take my actions from the past with a grain of salt. Though I meant well, I talked a lot with little facts; I'm trying to improve.

e621 Index
Avoid Posting list
Approved sites to upload via URL
Saucenao Site runs image files, which is good for checking if an image has been uploaded already, as well as trying to find another site for an image
Kheina Saucenao alt, which also cross-checks FA

Rainbow Dash is my favorite pony. She's the best!

How to get the best uploads guide

Tag Projects

Checking resolutions:

source:*furaffinity* height:1280 filetype:jpg pending_replacements:false -*dnp
source:*furaffinity* height:1920 width:1920 pending_replacements:false -*dnp
source:*furaffinity* width:2372 pending_replacements:false -*dnp
source:*pixiv* width:1200 height:<1200 filetype:jpg pending_replacements:false -*dnp
source:*bsky* height:2000 filetype:jpg pending_replacements:false -*dnp
source:*inkbunny* width:920 pending_replacements:false -*dnp
source:*twitter* height:<1400 filetype:jpg pending_replacements:false -*dnp
source:*twitter* height:2048 filetype:jpg pending_replacements:false -*dnp

source:*aryion* filetype:jpg filesize:1kb..400kb pending_replacements:false -*dnp

deviantart quality check

source:*furaffinity order:mpixels_asc -animated pending_replacements:false -*dnp

source:*deviantart order:mpixels_asc -animated pending_replacements:false -*dnp

source:*inkbunny order:mpixels_asc -animated pending_replacements:false -*dnp

bvas pending_replacements:false -*dnp

Low tags quick search links:


Posts that are both sourced and without the artist name:

Hassource:true Arttags:0
Source:furaffinity Arttags:0
Source:pixiv Arttags:0
Source:deviantart Arttags:0
Source:newgrounds Arttags:0
Source:Gelbooru Arttags:0
Source:derpibooru Arttags:0

Neat Search tools

These searches will utilize the user:yourname search options.

Tag count search

Are you curious about your highest tagged upload but don't want to count each tag manually?
You can utilize tag count:> and user:yourname to solve this; add it into the tags as such for an example:
tagcount:>50 user:versperus
Simply increase this search in intervals until the search yields no more results, and what is left is your highest tagged upload.

Approvals and you

Have you ever been curious about who is approving your work on a large scale?

Utilize the approved by: and user: search opts' as well as the janitor name; here is what I got:
(Mostly for personal use when I'm curious, but it is suitable for an example.)

Former Staff:
approver:Nicklo6649 user:Versperus
approver:Chaser user:Versperus
approver:TheHuskyK9 user:Versperus
approver:ImpidiDinkaDoo user:Versperus
approver:Ratte user:Versperus
approver:Cat-In-flight user:Versperus
approver:Hudson user:Versperus
approver:EDFDarkAngel1 user:Versperus
approver:Titanmelon user:Versperus
approver:furrypickle user:Versperus
approver:user_59725 user:Versperus
approver:Genjar user:Versperus
approver:Bowen_Whitehooves user:Versperus
approver:spight user:Versperus
approver:Char user:Versperus
approver:Kald user:Versperus
approver:DragonRanger user:Versperus
approver:ktkr user:Versperus
approver:ippiki_ookami user:Versperus
approver:TonyCoon user:Versperus

approver:Mairo user:Versperus
approver:Lance_Armstrong user:Versperus
approver:Blind_Guardian user:Versperus
approver:Slyroon user:Versperus
approver:Wodahseht user:Versperus
approver:Lemongrab user:Versperus
approver:ajk user:Versperus
approver:Alien_Fluff user:Versperus
approver:Cane751 user:Versperus
approver:gattonero2001 user:Versperus
approver:auto_moderator user:Versperus
approver:Shadowstones user:Versperus
approver:tsukemono user:Versperus
approver:laranja user:Versperus

approver:NotMeNotYou user:Versperus
approver:Knotty_Curls user:Versperus
approver:Xch3l user:Versperus
approver:Rainbow_Dash user:Versperus
approver:KiraNoot user:Versperus
approver:Varka user:Versperus
approver:Queen_Tyr'ahnee user:Versperus
approver:SnowWolf user:Versperus
approver:Millcore user:Versperus
approver:Bitwolfy user:Versperus
approver:Earlopain user:Versperus
approver:Dari user:Versperus
approver:DasaDevil user:Versperus

Artists I've acquired posting perms from
Snatched Text Reactions

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (╯°益°)╯彡┻━┻
ಠ_ಠ (っಠ‿ಠ)っ (◕ε ◕。 )
◢◤ █▀▀████▄▄▄▄◢◤
█▄ █ █▄ ███▀▀▀▀▀▀▀╬
╬═╬ just dropped down
╬═╬ to remind you to drink water
╬═╬ ☻/ you stupid bitch.
╬═╬/ \


Artist Information
A cheat sheet to tagging (Click to expand)
How to add artist name

Adding To The Registry

If a tag you want to change is already on the website, go here search the desired tag, and then change said tag type to artist.

The easiest way to do this is to copy the desired artist tag after uploading and putting it in the provided search engine or by going to (Tags) at the top of the page.

Simple artist names should be prefixed with (artist) at the end of their names.
i.e. Kyle_(artist)

Whereas more complex artist names wouldn't need this prefix
i.e. Dark-Ahroun-Friesian

If an Artist has made a character that shares the name they use for artwork, their artist tag would be Artistname_(character). For example fek is an artist name, and their fursona is fek_(character)

Upon creating a new tag, it is possible to metatag a post. For example, if the artist tag isn't yet on the site, one can simply write-


Which will add said artist's name to the register without needing to do so manually via the tags page.

The Artist Wiki

If you are a new artist to e621, or you are adding posts from an artist that doesn't yet have artwork on e621, you can set up an artist wiki. Doing this makes it possible to find the listed artists' works via the Artists search option at the top of the screen, provide notes of said artist (Don't abuse this), And group the known pages owned by the artist.

To do this, click on the ? on the left side of the artist name in the tags. Here is a quick link.

Please note that before adding either an artist name or a character name to the registry, it is essential to first check in the search engine if that name is already being used, as it is a chance that the artist has already had works uploaded to e621 or the character might already have an existing tag.

How to add OC

To change a tag to a character in the registry, one must go here and input the tag you wish to change the type of. Once on the tag page, you can change the tag type.

Simple character names should have a prefix on the end that relates to the character owner.

i.e., if a character was named Dave and the artist's name was Purplemoose, the tag should look like

Upon creating a new tag, it is possible to metatag a post. For example, if the character tag isn't yet on the site, one can simply write-


Which will add said character name to the register without needing to do so manually via the tags page.

If an Artist has made a character that shares the name they use for artwork, their artist tag would be Artistname_(character). For example fek is an artist name, and their fursona is fek_(character)

Please note that before adding either an artist name or a character name to the registry, it is essential to first check in the search engine if that name is already being used, as it is a chance that the artist has already had works uploaded to e621 or the character might already have an existing tag.

Including a source

Sources to a secondary location to view an artist's works such as deviantart or furaffinity is always intelligent to provide if the artist has secondary sources so people can view artwork the artist has that may not be seen or appropriate on e621

What does your post look like

Does your character have:
Fur - What color is it? black_fur, white_fur, spotted_fur ect.
Skin - This needs to be clarified, for only writing Skin is an invalid_tag. black_skin, brown_skin, purple_skin ect.
Scales - striped_scales, purple_scales, two_tone_scales ect.
Feathers - blue_feathers, red_feathers, feathered_wings ect.
Body_color - If you don't know what covers the character, this is a fallback, or if the character is a Goo_creature

Your characters form:
Anthro - An animalistic creature that walks on two legs, like a biped
Feral - A creature drawn in its natural form, usually a quadruped
Humanoid - A mostly human-looking creature with animal or alien features (this tag has subcategories dog_humanoid, cat_humanoid, etc.)
Human - The character is human
Taur - The lower half is that of a feral creature such as a horse, with the upper half of a humanoid or anthropomorphic creature
Lamia - A creature that looks human or anthro with a snake's lower half
Naga - A completely snake looking creature with the torso of a bipedal creature (arms, breasts, abs, etc.)
Goo_creature - The character is Goo, generally able to change form and usually has a wet and shiny texture

How many creatures are in the image?
Solo = there is one
Duo = there is two
Group = three or more

What's the clothing situation of the post?
Nude - There is one or more nude characters in the image
Hat_Only - The character is entirely naked except for a hat. There are other x_(only) clothing-related tags. Please see the wikis for further information.
Bottomless - The character is clothed minus any pants or underwear
Topless - The character is otherwise dressed minus any shirt or bra
Fully_Clothed - There is one or more character who is wholly clothed

Is there a sexual or romantic pairing in the post? (Please make sure to consult the Gender Tagging Guidlines before adding pairing tags!)
Human_On_Anthro - Romantic/Sexual relations between an anthro and Human character of unspecified sex, depending on the characters involved, one should also include male_on_female, andromorph_on_herm ect tags where applicable.

Gynomorph_On_Feral - Romantic/Sexual relationships between a gynomorphic character of unspecified form, and a feral of unspecified sex. note in these situations one should also include a anthro_on_feral, humanoid_on_feral ect. tag depending on what the gynormorph is. And a gynomorph/female, gynomorph/male ect. depending on the sex of the Feral.

Male_Penetrating_Anthro - Sexual relations between a male of unspecified form, penetrating an anthro character of unspecified sex. In these situations, one should also include a Feral_Penetrating_Anthro, anthro_penetrating_anthro, etc. tag where appropriate for the male, and a male_penetrating_male, male_penetrating_andromorph tag, etc. Depending on what the Anthro is.

What sort of media format is the image?
traditional_media_(artwork) - Artwork that is created with in-hand means such as marker_(artwork), chalk_(artwork), pen_(artwork), etc.
digital_media_(artwork) - Artwork that is created with digital means such as pixel_(artwork), digital_drawing_(artwork), 3d_(artwork), etc.

If you know the year a post was created, it's always good to include it. This isn't the date it's archived to e621; some artists include the date on their creation, but outside of that, the artist posts something to one of their galleries, which is an excellent date to go off of.

The Karma Sutra for furries (Note that any position not included in the tags isn't applicable)
The Gender Tagging guideline of e621

Fixing Tags

The most basic rule of tagging is a 4 tag minimum upon uploading; repeated offenses face the wrath of the staff

When uploading copy, pasting tags from other websites is ill-advised as e621 has created a cataloging system for proper tags that relate to the image in detail, while parent sites are opinion-based.

If you upload a post and a general tag or species tag only shows a meager number of posts tagged with the same tag, chances are that tag doesn't apply to e621 or is misspelled.

If a tag says (disambiguation) at the end, it means the tag you chose is too general and needs to be clarified; by clicking on the question mark to the left of said tag, there is a glossary of possible tags you could have meant to choose from.

If after you tag, your post says invalid_tag, it means that one or more tags added have been deemed inapplicable to e621 by the admins and will either be automatically removed from the post or be switched to invalid_tag

If after you tag, your post says invalid_color, it is because simply writing a color as a tag like yellow doesn't clarify what is yellow; you need to write *yellow_fur* or *yellow_background*

If you notice a tag with over 100 results is categorized wrong, you can go to the forum and click the Request BUR at the top of the page. Further instruction on formatting a BUR is listed under (help) on the page.

If a tag has under 100 results, you can change the category via the tags page or by clicking the "?" Beside the tag.
After doing this, you should:
1. Look towards the top of the page and click "edit tag."
2. Change the category to the appropriate one, be it artist, character, copyright, etc.

Note that abuse of this function can result in records, if not worse.


Explicit: Anything to do with genitals, be it vaginal, testicle, penile, or anus.

This also includes anything that looks like a sexual act; you don't need to see genitals if it looks like sex.

Questionable: Anything to do with Sexually provocative clothing, Bulges, Camel toe, suggestive dialogue, etc.

Safe: If this isn't self-explanatory, then please read the bellow tagging checklist link

Pools and Sets

To Create a pool, you start by going to the top of the screen to the Pools button. Next, you press New
Here is a quick link to creating a pool.

Moderators Insist not to use pools for images you simply like, as collections are public and meant to be used for specific purposes. Such as a comic set or ask blog.

Creating a set starts by going to the top of the screen, and clicking the Sets button, followed by clicking New
here is a quick link to making a set.

Sets operate in the same ways as pools, the difference being sets are for private collections of images, meaning you can create a group of pictures to your taste rather than a purpose. You can choose to make said sets public, which allows people to view them from the sets page or for your viewing

A Note from the poster

Note that if this is shared to your upload, it isn't intended as an insult but rather an informative to expand on common uploader issues and provide quick tutorials in correcting them.

The author of this is in no way an expert on tags and is also learning every day and constantly editing this sheet to improve its quality for the ease of viewing it.

A better-tagged post is a better e621. Well-tagged seats contribute to an artist's notoriety; The more likely someone can find your post via the search engine, the better off the artist. If you are a fan, it is a courtesy to tag said artist who works well. And, of course, if you're the artist, it does you all the justice listed above, and we are glad to have you here sharing your works with us! Artists are the blood in our veins!

Last updated May 20/22

Here is a link to the upload guidelines
Here is a link to the tagging checklist
Here is a link to the wiki AKA Everything
Here is the link to the e621 glossary, essentially the actual front page
Here is the official e621 cheat sheet
Saucenao quick link; it is a good site for checking if an image is on the website

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