00284, applejack, fan character, rainbow dash, and spike (friendship is magic and etc) created by pia-sama
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  • Spike: Bitch please. I took a bullet to the head and only suffered a mild concussion. What makes you think your "trying to compensate for something" weapon would have done worse?

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  • Is it just me, or seeing him in the smoke make this song pop in your head?

    "I'm the hand of God."

    "The dark messiah."

    "I'm the Vengeful One."

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  • SpikeDraco said:
    Is it just me, or seeing him in the smoke make this song pop in your head?
    "I'm the hand of God."
    "The dark messiah."
    "I'm the Vengeful One."

    Disturbed much?

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  • SpikeDraco said:
    No really. It's the only Heavy Rock I like. I mostly go with regular rock and country.

    You should give 5FDP a try. Dive into the lyrics, absorb the music. A lot of military theme music.

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  • alfurr said:
    You should give 5FDP a try. Dive into the lyrics, absorb the music. A lot of military theme music.

    Hmmmm, I'll give it a try. Any favorites you recommend?

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  • -takes handgun bullet to the forehead
    -knocks him out
    -gives him massive headache
    -requires bandages

    -takes point blank anti-tank round to the chest
    -slightly torn shirt
    -burn marks

    If he collapses in the next page, we can say that his hide withstands it but he feels the internal impact.

    Otherwise we got an asspull and inconsistent writer behind this (no, Pia is NOT writing the story, she's just doing the art).

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  • Daneasaur said:
    -takes handgun bullet to the forehead
    -knocks him out
    -gives him massive headache
    -requires bandages

    -takes point blank anti-tank round to the chest
    -slightly torn shirt
    -burn marks

    If he collapses in the next page, we can say that his hide withstands it but he feels the internal impact.

    Otherwise we got an asspull and inconsistent writer behind this (no, Pia is NOT writing the story, she's just doing the art).

    That would be the FlimFlam Bros mate

    Also, it could be like the Placebo effect. He's enraged right now, and the last thing on his mind is pain, but when she's defeated (preferably dead) it'll come down on his like a building. Then he'll pass out

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  • Daneasaur said:
    -takes handgun bullet to the forehead
    -knocks him out
    -gives him massive headache
    -requires bandages

    -takes point blank anti-tank round to the chest
    -slightly torn shirt
    -burn marks

    If he collapses in the next page, we can say that his hide withstands it but he feels the internal impact.

    Otherwise we got an asspull and inconsistent writer behind this (no, Pia is NOT writing the story, she's just doing the art).

    It could also be that he wasn't expecting to get shot in the head, while here we had time to brace himself for the impact. After all, adrenaline can make the body do some strange things.

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  • Wow almost like a Michel bay movie just that there is no background explosion and part of his shirt is torn.But if this happens in GTA V I'm just going to quit the game,delete GTA V from my com power off and step away from my com

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  • On the previous page, The_Masked_Newfag said:

    Well... maybe not.

    Remember, that first time he got hit by a bullet, it tagged him squarely between the eyes. All that was blocking it from his brain was a thin layer of scaly skin and the bone layer comprising his skull.

    Right now, it looks like she's aiming for his chest, which means that the bullet will have to potentially go through somewhat thicker scaly skin, subdermal skin layer (which for the argument's sake, I'll assume is also made of scales), fat tissue (not likely to do much, but still) and (possibly) his ribcage.

    And remember what Fluttershy said about a dragon's hide (skin) AND bones? They're both stronger than any armor...

    ...In other words, Spike may potentially have the equivalent of a bomb suit, strapped over a Kevlar vest, strapped over ANOTHER, thinner Kevlar vest, strapped over a metal breastplate, all protecting his torso and vital organs.

    But hey, that's just my theory. I'm personally just really desperate to see Spike survive that top-heavy bitch's shot (if she actually manages to fire it) and proceed to beat her shapely ass into the ship's deck, so I'll roll with any theory that tips the odds in his favor.

    Ah! Indestructible badass trigger mode it is, then. :D


    BladeEdge said:
    i am suddenly thinking...terminator theme song for some odd reason.

    I'm SO glad you said so, because as luck would have it...

    *Heavy metal variant of Terminator 2 theme starts playing*

    00284: ...Impossible...

    Spike: ...Bitch... you've said it yourself... multiple times...

    *vengeful grin*

    I'm a dragon... and a dragon's hide...

    *stands up straight and glares her in the eye*

    ...is BULLETPROOF.



    ...You guys are totally gonna downvote me, aren't you? ;u; *crying inside*

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  • Wilde said:
    That would be the FlimFlam Bros mate

    Also, it could be like the Placebo effect. He's enraged right now, and the last thing on his mind is pain, but when she's defeated (preferably dead) it'll come down on his like a building. Then he'll pass out

    Iamnoone said:
    It could also be that he wasn't expecting to get shot in the head, while here we had time to brace himself for the impact. After all, adrenaline can make the body do some strange things.

    It still will fall into the category of asspull at this point since there was no point to him even taking a shot to the head from a handgun and "nearly being dead" if they are going to disregard that and have him shrug off anti tank shells.

    Also, those guns don't leave smoke clouds. If he used the briefcase as a shield and it detonated, then it explains the smoke, but again, not how he survived, much less is standing instead of laying on the floor, knocked out. And adrenaline or not, being knocked out is being knocked out.

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  • Daneasaur said:
    It still will fall into the category of asspull at this point since there was no point to him even taking a shot to the head from a handgun and "nearly being dead" if they are going to disregard that and have him shrug off anti tank shells.

    Also, those guns don't leave smoke clouds. If he used the briefcase as a shield and it detonated, then it explains the smoke, but again, not how he survived, much less is standing instead of laying on the floor, knocked out. And adrenaline or not, being knocked out is being knocked out.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think the first gunshot he took (the one to the head) "nearly killed him".

    In fact, I think we all (by "we" I mean anyone thinking his surviving the bullet to the head was just a lucky escape because of his dragon hide and bones) have been looking at Spike's physical durability all wrong.

    The skin of the forehead is more susceptible to bleeding because there is very little fat tissue between it and the skull. This is probably why Spike bled a little from the wound (as Applejack said, a sufficient force can compromise the integrity of virtually any material-- in this case, a standard issue pistol round was enough to break the skin of Spike's forehead). Moreover, the brain is literally sitting right behind that layer of skin and bone. It's fairly well-known that any hard knock to the head can stun or daze a person, and if it manages to rattle the brain around in the skull, it can cause a concussion.

    I think that this is exactly what happened the first time Spike was shot-- the bullet just barely broke the scaly skin of his forehead, but the sheer force of impact from the shot was enough to give him a concussion and knock him unconscious.

    If that same shot had hit him in the torso (say, around the midriff or gut), it probably would've felt like a strong jab to him, but it wouldn't have even managed to scuff his scales, let alone break through them.

    Likewise, in this second instance where Spike gets shot, since #00284 was aiming for Spike's torso and NOT his head (check the previous page, you can see it for yourself), there's a lot more (apparently) bulletproof skin, fat tissue, muscle tissue, and bone shielding Spike's body from that rifle bullet than there would be if she were aiming for his head.

    In the case of #00284's anti-materiel rifle shot, however, there is (obviously) significantly more force imparted by the bullet when it impacts its target-- in this case, Spike's torso.

    Therefore, I think it's safe to assume that while that bullet probably felt like a full-powered knockout punch to Spike's chest and left him winded, it still COULD NOT break through his scales. Granted, it probably hurts like hell for him, but as Wilde said, he's enraged right now, and pain doesn't concern him while his body's on an adrenaline rush and his blood is boiling with anger.

    If anything, the pain is probably only adding fuel to the fire of his rage right now.

    In any case, it looks like Top-heavy Whore #00284 is about to get her arrogant yet shapely ass handed to her on a flaming platter.


    I don't think the shot to the head was a "narrowly escaping death" situation for Spike, but more of a "he got hit at a weak point on his body" situation. So the rifle shot to his chest shouldn't be any different.

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  • SpikeDraco said:
    Hmmmm, I'll give it a try. Any favorites you recommend?

    Watch video to Wrong Side of Heaven. Other faves? Got your six, noone gets left behind, meet my maker, dot your eyes. They are my fav band. Too many songs i like.

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  • alfurr said:
    Watch video to Wrong Side of Heaven. Other faves? Got your six, noone gets left behind, meet my maker, dot your eyes. They are my fav band. Too many songs i like.

    "Lift Me Up"
    "Bad Company"
    This is my holy trinity of 5FDP badassery.

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  • Rainbow Dash: that did it,now to just collect the case and ...
    Incoming: rainbow dash what's going on out there!!
    Rainbow Dash: Badass Spike has been activated

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