finn and nick created by funkybun
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though from your end it might seem I dissapear often, on my end when I post the least is when I work the hardest. except this time, because I got sick for a week X)

but I still have a backlog of some pages! so next page will be on friday!

  • Comments
  • Elori


    @Funkybun: You're at no obligation to post these regularly. If you need some time off, regardless of the reason, just do it, take some time to relax. We'll be here when you get back, and you deserve any breaks you take. <3 The fact that you release these for free for us more than makes up for it! Love yourself, girlfriend!

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  • dickpic said:
    10 bucks on fishnets and 20 on nothing.
    Anyone in?

    I wouldn't put money on fishnets. They're not practical beachwear.

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