Partner in trouble
The Sharpclaw coming down the stairs was surprised by the sight of the blue vixen, but was quick to react and launched an attack against her with his spear. Krystal was barely able to dodge the brutes mighty swing. She backed away while finding her balance to ready a counter offensive. The guard threw another swing at Krystal, who this time had the better opportunity to act with her own staff. She managed to deflect the attack, causing the scalie fiend to lodge his spear into the wall. He tried to pull it out, but Krystal didn't allow him the opportunity to do so properly, by sending hits in his way with her staff. Furious, the guard decided ignore his stuck weapon and to try and grab Krystal, but she was too fast for him. With one swift motion, Krystal grabbed his right arm, allowing her to slip past his arms to deliver a heavy hit with her elbow to the brutes side.
As the hit landed, there was a loud gasping and moaning sound coming from the opposite direction. Krystal became afraid. Fearing for her partners safety and well being, she knew she would need to act fast in order to help Fox.
Krystal turned towards the male guard, who was still recovering from the surprising hard blow to his side. With new determination, she sent the scalie flying on his back with her staff, knocking him out cold. After waiting a second or two to make sure the guard wouldn't get back up, she rushed to the opposite side to the hall and around the corner, only to find Fox' trusty blaster and an odd stain on the floor.
Krystal by mrwarfaremachine
Fox McCloud & outfit models by mrwarfaremachine and modification for Fox by DomiBun
Sharpclaws (crocodile & lizard) model by petruz
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