best mom
I honestly don't understand the hate .
95% of fur suits, are just looking like giant mascots, so does Barny .
But this is weird ... somehow ?
I mean, I could understand that the head shape , might be uncomfortable to look at for some ,
( and I bet, if you would have add long hair to her, people would dig it ) .
But even then, those aren't bad drawings .
I don't get the outrage .
iv seen this character around a few,
she has to have a name. we will have to study tis'...
Her name is Paint
TDE-0x said:
"Lady Wolf" tag and "ArbuzBudesh" - artist tag is missing.
It only takes two years to add it, but thanks anyways :3
mr_smiley said:
miss the hair
Nimnul said:
Waiting for the train of horseshit to hit him in the face like a firehose filled with wet, fibrous beanbags.
TDE-0x said:
Daria Lang tag is missing.
Ah, there it is ^w^
Daria Lang tag is missing.
123easy said:
Just... Epic. <3
"Ugh. And I thought they smelled bad on the outside."
Flutterbat_lover said:
well, actually ... it's AMIdLtF
ThatHuskyPup said:
Taking tit fucking to a whole new level.
It called "nipple fuck", the tag is a few years old in the internet. Check it out ;3
Luckyz said:
Animal disease incoming!
TDE-0x said:
Seems like incest.
I see, tags has been added. ^^
Seems like incest.
H3xx said:
Three tits...
.. that's awesome.
MemberLove the details on this work .
One of Citrus's bests