y_am_i_submissive said:
Sharpclaw hospitality, the voice actor commenting here, Vent drawing wolf and scales now…..The planets are aligning.
y_am_i_submissive said:
Sharpclaw hospitality, the voice actor commenting here, Vent drawing wolf and scales now…..The planets are aligning.
thewhistler said:
Seems Kodii has a fetish for being a locked bedslave to better warriors and rulers, cuz that's TWO posts like this.Not that I'm complaining.
spicygaydog said:
This is their first upload with sound so no doubt there'll be some bumps to get over, especially if this is the artists first attempt at it.
A little advice to the artist, dw about panning the sounds coming from one side and the other. I think i see what you were trying to do but the main actor, i.e the one getting spit roasted should have their sounds equal in both ears. I find it best to use panning for background elements or multiple characters not directly involved in the main action of the scene. Good job for a first attempt though!
mairo said:
Is like audio editing really this hard?
This isn't the first or last time I hear mono audio mixed only to left channel and now the moaning is only audible on my left ear.
Maybe asking if it's hard is wrong guestion, because even if it is hard, people do not listen to the audio at all with the final export before uploading their stuff online either?
This is their first upload with sound so no doubt there'll be some bumps to get over, especially if this is the artists first attempt at it.
negamajora said:
The animation is awesome, but I'm a little distracted by the "Lewddevbitches" and "Spicygaydog" VA tags. :)
xarase-god said:
what he chocked on? on his own saliva or what?
Cum :)
st_spycrab said:
>Come across the Kodii sticker pack on telegram
>"Wait, this guy does sound design?"
>Search on Google.
>Find SpicyGayDog's profile on e621
>Realize I've unknowingly consumed his material for actual years.Huh, my compliments to the chef I suppose haha.
That's awesome! That pack of mine is gonna keep on growing too :D thank you very much :)
Woke up to this in my inbox and well, if you expected me not to throat that thing irl, you'd be sorely mistaken.
Thank you so much, mertvykhcrows!
raven_reverie said:
(Tag history)
They weren't the artist. Someone assumed they were hence why it was flagged for removal soon after. I'm assuming they reached out in private to stop it from being taken down but still, No one knows unfortunately
That's craaaaaaazy, the preview that was uploaded a month back, which is identical aside from the last 40ish seconds, which uses the exact same visual effect, got approved no problem. I went ahead and flagged the preview for deletion now that the full version released but now they're both gone lmao.
gopy said:
Really not a fan of those cutaways to the 'camera'. Why massively degrade the shot with nonsensical chromatic aberrations and blur? Maybe I'll make my own personal edit of the original, splicing it with this audio, because this one's a nah for me.
there's already a non cam edit over on the source link
sircommentalot said:
We don't deserve SpicyGayDog, another quickly done yet high quality sound edit for an already hot animation in less than 24 hours!!!
I've got you all covered~!
astrum said:
Sound? How in the-
The original file does not have any sound. Maybe you’re hearing things?
It will sooooon have sound ;)
sircommentalot said:
Holy damn that was amazingly hot!!! Apart from the VAs, lovely models, and smooth animation (those are the obvious ones), there is so much to love in this! The muzzle holding, the expressions, the passion between the two, and the total exhaustion of Legoshi after the orgasm, plus the promise of more to come; this is great!!!
Thank you <3 Always love getting to voice Legoshi in these! :D
Reach out to me on twitter I'd you have one and I can send you a version without the music if you'd like. Currently working away on the next animation but the loop is well done! Thanks for the edit!
sircommentalot said:
SpicyGayDog is amazing, to have a sound version this quickly and expertly done is unreal!!!
It only cost me one night of sleep xD But it was so damn worth it :D
saltedpills said:
Get this animation sound, NOW
thundermuffins12 said:
by far the best smoothest animation i have seen only thing that could make it better is audio
renadude said:
Wonderful! Now, some voice acting and it's perfect!
blackbeerwithoniln said:
Awesome animation. I hope the sound will be added in the future :)
spahghettiboi said:
Gonna hold off on posting it here until I get full approval but its over on my twitter @SpicyGayDog
letshopethisworks said:
I wonder if spicygaydog uses props for the proper foley artist experience
Yep, Got a bad dragon on my desk that I use to voice act stuff like this :)
foxx-playa said:
that was suprisingly fast to have a third-party sound edit in less than 12 hours
I like to pride myself on both quality and expediency :D Hope you enjoy!~
sonarrrr said:
im giving the best sound design and body reactions award to nakedsav this guy never misses 😭
I gotchu covered :)
unnamed13 said:
Oh man, everything about this was executed so well! Especially the sound design!
Thank you! I try to utilize new techniques with every project I work on :)
north_quill said:
I swear, Sav is like, the most prolific voice actor I know, and it's entirely by accident
Sav doesn't do the voice acting or sound. I've been handling them both for a little over a year now :)
thabunboi said:
Holy yes! I love this <3
Loved working on it too <3 Happy you like it :D
fenrik said:
man spicygaydog never disappoints
Thank you <3
anguirus12345 said:
Hey, the art does not have a visible source and was not posted by the artist. Therefore, we don't know if this came from a paid platform.
"paysite content" is listed at the bottom right. Definitely someone leaking patreon content unfortunately :(
itzwolf said:
He just posted this on may 30th on his subscribe star...is this not a paid version?? I could be wrong buttttt 😅😅😅
This is the full version posted yes. He usually uploads the full versions of his anims a week later.
darksonic said:
Is this the full full version? Just wondering because the last one was twice as long, so idk maybe there's like an even longer one on Patreon or smth.
This is the full version ye. Sav is tackling a much larger project this month, however.
aprettylazyusername said:
Uh... are those "dream" and "nightmare" tags supposed to be there? Cos that kinda seems like a spoiler considering there's nothing here to imply it's a dream.
He's asleep in the intro and what you hear in the background is the dream.
blasphemous_blaidd said:
I imagine this isn't how the unnamed Rito Guard expected to meet The Champion/Bond with himMust be awkward in that cage, if conversation ever happens
"You ever wonder why we're here?"
spicygaydog said:
Insane I know
Gonna msg the moderator and get this sorted out
kadorath said:
This is the version that got approved??
Insane I know
kaitzuwu said:
Isn't it 100 frames?
Could be, We didn't want to risk any further upload spam so went with 3 seconds to be on the safe side.
cheekyzeeky said:
I hope they won't do this
You've got nothing to worry about. That's never gonna happen
Was a ton of fun working on this!:)
Again! Sorry for the re uploads. For future reference you need 3 seconds of a single frame in order to have a title card display correctly on e6.
spicygaydog said:
apologies to the mods there's no guideline on video specific thumbnails so it will be reuploaded 1 final time with 3 whole seconds of title card to ensure that e6 doesn't display an all black thumbnail
file has been reuploaded and is displaying the titlecard correctly.
apologies to the mods there's no guideline on video specific thumbnails so it will be reuploaded 1 final time with 3 whole seconds of title card to ensure that e6 doesn't display an all black thumbnail
letshopethisworks said:
anything with SpicyGayDog in it is immediately S tier
Yo thank you! <3
yourgayfather said:
...was that the fallout 3/nv pill taking sound effect when the second fast forward hit?
The one where legoshi swallows the final cumshot? If so nope, that was just me swallowing super close to the mic xD I can kinda hear it tho lol
rd_gaming12345 said:
It was trying to use that frame for the thumbnail since videos use the first image on screen.Guess it didn’t work this time.
Make sure the starting image is 3 frames long. That's how I got it to work for me :)
galaxycat said:
Dropbox link doesnt work on patreon
That's odd, the link provided to patrons seems to be working fine. I just confirmed it for ya. Reach out to sav using your Patreon messenger and he'll help get it sorted
dontlookatmyprofile said:
I love the VA on this
Thank you!
alatoss said:
Yeah but like where is it posted?
edit: downvoted for asking a pretty reasonable question lord this site is weird
ye, am getting them too, did you find the alts tho?
alatoss said:
Yeah but like where is it posted?
There's a patreon discord server that has all the uploads hosted on it due to patreons ruling on NSFW as of late. Everything is uploaded there as of rn.
You can also click the link that's displayed beneath the post on patreon to get access to it as well
alatoss said:
Where is all this extra content?? Cause I'm not seeing it anywhere. Also I only ever saw one Gnoll loop, is the second pose new?
There is the one loop with durges hands held above his head and another where he's pinned up against the cage door, that one has alternate angles.
britishfurry said:
why was this re-uploaded?
it was taken down for being corrupted/broken
moththatateyacarpet said:
Right so I really enjoyed this animation and I thought hey why not check out his patron, after all the description says more angles and I thought I'd like to see the angle from the back but *incorrect buzzer* he lied, there where no extra angles, not even a loop on this animation and both where advertised in the description, I can imagine this might be a simple mistake but I can't help but feel as if I was scammed a bit. The simple enjoyment of Displacer balls has been ripped from my yearning hands, woe is me...
parathedragon said:
The only “bonus angles” i saw was some stuff with Gnolls. I didn’t want to see gnolls! i thought extra angles meant displacer balls and durge ass!Needless to say, i was similarly disappointed.
Sav's usual format is to show a bonus loop at the end of the months larger animation that's similarily themed and available on patreon.
Typically he only uploads 1 animation and 1 loop per month but with how good the two gnoll poses were, he wanted to throw on more loops and angles just for fun. However yeah, the blurred and zoomed in camera on the loop itself perhaps left too much up to the imagination and the formatting of the text at the end deffo could be formatted better in the future.
As a way of apologizing for the mixup
He just uploaded a smaller looped portion of this animation with a back/side view so you can see the balls more clearly now. Now you'll get a back / side view loop and the 2 gnoll loops, with 1 of the gnoll loops featuring multiple angles.
Sorry for the confusion
i_need_a_yautja_bf said:
spicygaydog is def one of the best voice actors on this website
<3 I got you covered
crested_stag said:
Nice! Is there an estimate on if/when the public version will come out?
in 1 week
winterthewolfe said:
NakedSav makes some of the best 3D Beastars animations ever, and the sound fx and voice acting is top notch.
<3 eyooo Thanks! Doing the sounds and VA for Sav's projects is always a pleasure! Helps that his animations are seriously toppity top notch
turnthetides said:
Oh it's a sequel to that fucking video, wish i knew how to blacklist lol
Nearly every one of your comments on this website is just you ragging on whatever scenario is portrayed, so here I'll help you out. Look at the top left while having the "Posts" subsection selected. Underneath you'll see "Listing" "Upload" "Hot" "Popular" "Favorites" "Changes" "Blacklist" "Help" Super intuitive as you just write any tags related to stuff you don't like and it should hide it from appearing on your feed.
nagerat said:
Oh man these gagging noices are just *chefs kiss*
Thank youuu :3
little_timmy said:
God the gags get my every time
Amazing VA
<3 thank you :3
chevalierdeverre said:
Thank ya :3
MemberOh man this is an oldie, may end up giving it a lil update in the near future audio wise.