Species: ursine

post #187580 post #954234 post #1156625 post #421809

Ursines are members of the subfamily ursinae, under the ursidae (bear) family. This subfamily contains all but two extant bear genera/species, those being the spectacled_bear (subfamily tremarctinae, genus Tremarctos) and the giant_panda (subfamily ailuropodinae, genus Ailuropoda). The members of this subfamily can be found below.

Genera and species

Real-world hybrids:


Not to be confused with

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This tag implicates bear (learn more).

The following tags implicate this tag: black_bear, brown_bear, cave_bear, grolar_bear, polar_bear, sloth_bear, sun_bear, ursine_humanoid, ursine_taur, wereursine (learn more).

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