Species: molosser
Molosser is a category of solidly-built, large dog breeds that all descend from the same common ancestor.
The following tags are aliased to this tag: band-dog, band_dog, bande-dogge, bande_dogge, bandog, bandogge, bonde-dog, bonde_dog, bondogge, molosser_dog, molossian_dog (learn more).
This tag implicates domestic_dog (learn more).
The following tags implicate this tag: aidi_dog, aksaray_malaklisi, caucasian_mountain_dog, cordoba_fighting_dog, great_pyrenees, kangal, kuchi, landseer_dog, leonberger, mastiff, molossus_(dog), newfoundland_dog, pyreneen_mastiff, saint_bernard, sarplaninac, small_molosser, swiss_mountain_dog, tibetan_mountain_dog, tornjak (learn more).
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