
post #3420193 post #3472499 post #1698877 post #1933715 post #4293753

Macro describes characters who are giant compared to the world around them. To be tagged as macro, the character should be clearly "abnormally very large" — scenery and/or props should suggest their abnormal size, simply interacting with smaller characters does not make a character "macro".

Tagging Notes
  • Macro is derived from "macrophilia" (the paraphilia for giants and giantesses), however, this tag doesn't indicate any sexual or fetishistic intent, merely the size of the character, and so a macro image can be rated Safe
  • Monsters or mythological beasts that are naturally very large should usually not fall under this tag — e.g. feral dragons that are larger than human or anthro characters shouldn't be tagged as macro unless they are extremely large even for the typical depiction of feral dragons
  • A macro sized character interacting with a normal sized character does not make the smaller character micro
  • A normal sized character interacting with a micro sized character shouldn't be tagged as macro
  • When a macro character is shown with or interacting with normal sized characters, the post should be tagged as extreme size difference
    • if there are no visible smaller characters, then the post should only be tagged as macro

Tags Used In Macro

Tags related to, or frequently used in macro content. Note that not all of the following tags are inherently tied to macro art, nor necessarily inherent to micro or extreme size difference.

All Tags


These tags apply to different scales of macro character, with "macro" acting as an umbrella tag

Giga Macro

A character that is larger than the "average" macro, these characters are often depicted as larger than entire cities, they may use geographic features in unusual ways, or dwarf entire landscapes

    • landscape dwarfing - a giga macro character large enough that entire cities and natural features (e.g. mountains) are dwarfed by their size, the character is often drawn in a way that emphasizes the size, sometimes so distant and so large that they are tinted blue to show atmosphere between the giga sized character and the viewer's perspective
Terra Macro

A character that is equal to, or larger than the size of planets, or other celestial bodies

    • planet dwarfing - a terra macro character that is overwhelmingly larger in size than a planet, which may be the size of a gumball or even as small as a bead or grain of rice in comparison to the terra sized character, their body often taking up most of the frame
    • intergalactic macro - a terra macro character that is equal to, or larger than galaxies — or the entire universe/multiverse — and is shown interacting with them
Interaction with Smaller Characters

If normal sized characters are visible in a scene with the macro sized character, the post should be tagged as extreme size difference:

Multilevel Macro

This describes two characters who are both macro sized but have considerable amounts of size difference between them, potentially including giga or terra sized characters within the same scene or comic

General Interactions
Sexual Interactions
  • living insertion - a character inserting a smaller character, entirely or partially, into an orifice for sexual pleasure
  • bodyjob - a character using their whole body to stimulate the penis of a larger character
Interaction With Objects, Buildings and Scenery

How a macro sized character is physically interacting with things around them:

General Interactions
Sexual Interactions
Eating Smaller Characters and Objects

Vore is a common concept in macro content — many tags specifically apply to vore scenes involving extreme size differences, including macro sized characters:

Related Tags

See Also

The following tags are aliased to this tag: colossal, giant, giantess, macro/macro, macrophile, macrophilia, slightly_macro (learn more).

The following tags implicate this tag: giga, macro_penetration, micro_on_macro, multilevel_macro, terra_macro (learn more).

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