Species: generation 6 pokemon
Image's link showing all 6G Pokémon
The tag "Generation 6 Pokémon" refers to all the Pokémon species that appeared in the Pokémon X and Y Versions (in Japanese: ポケットモンスターX・Y Poketto Monsutā EKKUSU・WAI)
These games are the very first Pokémon games to be released on the same date in every country in the world: on October 12, 2013.
This tag refers to all Pokémon species spanning from #650 (Chespin) to #721 (Volcanion). This generation introduces Pokémon from Kalos.
(The first Pokémon region based on a European country, Kalos is inspired by the France.)
Also, the Generation Ⅵ introduce Mega Evolution and the Fairy Type.
List of Pokémon (6G)
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- #0650 - Chespin
- #0651 - Quilladin
- #0652 - Chesnaught
- #0653 - Fennekin
- #0654 - Braixen
- #0655 - Delphox
- #0656 - Froakie
- #0657 - Frogadier
- #0658 - Greninja
- #0659 - Bunnelby
- #0660 - Diggersby
- #0661 - Fletchling
- #0662 - Fletchinder
- #0663 - Talonflame
- #0664 - Scatterbug
- #0665 - Spewpa
- #0666 - Vivillon
- #0667 - Litleo
- #0668 - Pyroar
- #0669 - Flabébé
- #0670 - Floette
- #0671 - Florges
- #0672 - Skiddo
- #0673 - Gogoat
- #0674 - Pancham
- #0675 - Pangoro
- #0676 - Furfrou
- #0677 - Espurr
- #0678 - Meowstic
- #0679 - Honedge
- #0680 - Doublade
- #0681 - Aegislash
- #0682 - Spritzee
- #0683 - Aromatisse
- #0684 - Swirlix
- #0685 - Slurpuff
- #0686 - Inkay
- #0687 - Malamar
- #0688 - Binacle
- #0689 - Barbaracle
- #0690 - Skrelp
- #0691 - Dragalge
- #0692 - Clauncher
- #0693 - Clawitzer
- #0694 - Helioptile
- #0695 - Heliolisk
- #0696 - Tyrunt
- #0697 - Tyrantrum
- #0698 - Amaura
- #0699 - Aurorus
- #0700 - Sylveon
- #0701 - Hawlucha
- #0702 - Dedenne
- #0703 - Carbink
- #0704 - Goomy
- #0705 - Sliggoo
- #0706 - Goodra
- #0707 - Klefki
- #0708 - Phantump
- #0709 - Trevenant
- #0710 - Pumpkaboo
- #0711 - Gourgeist
- #0712 - Bergmite
- #0713 - Avalugg
- #0714 - Noibat
- #0715 - Noivern
- #0716 - Xerneas
- #0717 - Yveltal
- #0718 - Zygarde
- #0719 - Diancie
- #0720 - Hoopa
- #0721 - Volcanion
Pokémon Mega Evolution and New Forms
- #0003 - Mega Venusaur
- #0006 - Mega Charizard X / Mega Charizard Y
- #0009 - Mega Blastoise
- #0015 - Mega Beedrill
- #0018 - Mega Pidgeot
- #0065 - Mega Alakazam
- #0080 - Mega Slowbro
- #0094 - Mega Gengar
- #0115 - Mega Kangaskhan
- #0127 - Mega Pinsir
- #0130 - Mega Gyarados
- #0142 - Mega Aerodactyl
- #0150 - Mega Mewtwo X / Mega Mewtwo Y
- #0181 - Mega Ampharos
- #0208 - Mega Steelix
- #0212 - Mega Scizor
- #0214 - Mega Heracross
- #0229 - Mega Houndoom
- #0248 - Mega Tyranitar
- #0254 - Mega Sceptile
- #0257 - Mega Blaziken
- #0260 - Mega Swampert
- #0282 - Mega Gardevoir
- #0302 - Mega Sableye
- #0303 - Mega Mawile
- #0306 - Mega Aggron
- #0308 - Mega Medicham
- #0310 - Mega Manectric
- #0319 - Mega Sharpedo
- #0323 - Mega Camerupt
- #0334 - Mega Altaria
- #0354 - Mega Banette
- #0359 - Mega Absol
- #0362 - Mega Glalie
- #0373 - Mega Salamence
- #0376 - Mega Metagross
- #0380 - Mega Latias
- #0381 - Mega Latios
- #0382 - Primal Kyogre
- #0383 - Primal Groudon
- #0384 - Mega Rayquaza
- #0428 - Mega Lopunny
- #0445 - Mega Garchomp
- #0448 - Mega Lucario
- #0460 - Mega Abomasnow
- #0475 - Mega Gallade
- #0493 - Arceus (Fairy)
- #0531 - Mega Audino
← Generation 5 Pokémon | Generation 6 Pokémon | Generation 7 Pokémon →
Source: https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/List_of_Pokémon_by_Kalos_Pokédex_number (EN)
https://www.pokepedia.fr/Liste_des_Pokémon_de_la_sixième_génération (FR)
The following tags are aliased to this tag: gen_6_pokemon, gen_6_pokémon, gen_six_pokemon, gen_six_pokémon, generation_6_pokémon, generation_six_pokémon, generation_vi_pokemon, generation_vi_pokémon (learn more).
This tag implicates pokemon_(species) (learn more).
The following tags implicate this tag: aegislash, amaura, aromatisse, aurorus, avalugg, barbaracle, bergmite, binacle, braixen, bunnelby, carbink, chesnaught, chespin, clauncher, clawitzer, dedenne, delphox, diancie, diggersby, doublade, dragalge, espurr, fennekin, flabebe, fletchinder, fletchling, floette, florges, froakie, frogadier, furfrou, gogoat, goodra, goomy, gourgeist, greninja, hawlucha, heliolisk, helioptile, honedge, hoopa, inkay, klefki, litleo, malamar, mega_abomasnow, mega_absol, mega_aerodactyl, mega_aggron, mega_alakazam, mega_ampharos, mega_audino, mega_banette, mega_beedrill, mega_blastoise, mega_blaziken, mega_camerupt, mega_charizard, mega_diancie, mega_gallade, mega_garchomp, mega_gardevoir, mega_gengar, mega_glalie, mega_gyarados, mega_heracross, mega_houndoom, mega_kangaskhan, mega_latias, mega_latios, mega_lopunny, mega_lucario, mega_manectric, mega_mawile, mega_medicham, mega_mewtwo, mega_pidgeot, mega_pinsir, mega_rayquaza, mega_sableye, mega_salamence, mega_sceptile, mega_scizor, mega_sharpedo, mega_slowbro, mega_steelix, mega_swampert, mega_tyranitar, mega_venusaur, meowstic, noibat, noivern, pancham, pangoro, phantump, primal_groudon, primal_kyogre, pumpkaboo, pyroar, quilladin, scatterbug, shadow_mewtwo, skiddo, skrelp, sliggoo, slurpuff, spewpa, spritzee, swirlix, sylveon, talonflame, trevenant, tyrantrum, tyrunt, vivillon, volcanion, xerneas, yveltal, zygarde_50_forme (learn more).
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