Species: braixen

post #418418 post #853152 post #418421

Braixen (Japanese: テールナー Tairenar) is a Fire-type Pokémon that appeared in Generation VI.

It evolves from Fennekin at level 16 and evolves into Delphox at level 36.


Braixen is a bipedal Pokémon that looks like a fox. Its fur is mainly yellow, except for its legs, which are black, its arms and face, which are covered with white fur, and the tip of its tail, which is orange. The fur on its cheeks is longer, and a small mane of white fur covers its shoulders and chest.

Two long, wavy tufts of orange fur grow inside its large ears. Its eyes and small nose are the same color. Two pointed teeth can be seen on its upper jaw when its mouth is open. Its fur curls around Braixen's hips. This Pokémon always carries a stick at the top of its big, ruffled tail. Each paw has three toes.

Braixen, like the rest of its evolutionary family, is inspired by the fennec. It also shares characteristics with a kitsune, a mythical fox from Japanese folklore capable of taking on human form, and with a kitsunetsuki (a young woman possessed by a kitsune)

The use of its stick as a magic wand is, however, more inspired by the Western representation of a magician. When the stick is stuck in its tail, it takes on the appearance of a broom, known to be the witches' preferred means of transport...

(Its fur is reminiscent of seifuku, the uniform mainly worn by young Japanese schoolgirls, as well as aristocrat clothing)

As a bipedal canine, Braixen should usually be tagged as anthro.

See Also:

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