anal vore

post #824257 post #1766812 post #2045859 post #2358489 post #1896200

Anal Vore describes a variant of vore in which a character is consumed through the anus of another character. Images or animations may depict the character about to be inserted into the anus, being wholly or partially within the anus, the character within the rectum or large intestines or the implication of or dialogue stating or implying that a character is, or will be, consumed anally. Most instances of this also count as anal penetration, but not necessarily sex.

Vore scenario

The consumed character may be pulled up through the digestive tract, into the stomach, and subsequently digested. Alternatively, the consumed character may be absorbed by the predator's intestines, or absorbed without explanation after being inserted. A character who is consumed anally may also travel all the way through the predator character in a reverse full tour, or be later released from the predator character's body via the anus, either alone, or as part of a bowel movement.

Discussion about vore or not

In many cases, anal_vore ends up in situations that some people consider to be technically "not vore" - in that the intent is not to actually consume the character inserted anally, but to use the character for sexual pleasure as one would a dildo or buttplug. This might involve a micro character being unwillingly inserted into a larger character's anus/rectum to stimulate it, a character being sat on or shoved partially into the anus, or a character inserting their snout, face, or entire head into the anus to perform rimming.

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