unknown clone Joined MEMBER

Just a frickin furry who tries to give back to the site I use so much through tag projects and the like.

Favorite Artists

My absolute favorite artist is 100% arh
Some other good ones are:

  • peskybatfish (Lots of bondage stuff)
  • funkybun (Lots of exhibitionism stuffs)
  • aintsmart (No particular fetish I like them for, just like the art style)
  • trigaroo (dom/sub stuff with feral pokemon)
  • nekuzx (No particular fetish I like them for, just like the art style)
  • nikkibunn (male/male with feral pokemon)
  • sorrynothing (Bondage stuff)

This is by no means an exhaustive list, and there are certainly ones I've missed.

Favorite Bands

Only adding this because one of my favorite songs came on while I was adding an artist to my favorite artists list, and I became inspired. (not all are really a "band" in the traditional sense, but you get the idea.)

  • Blind Guardian
  • Two Steps From Hell
  • Ayreon
  • Orden Ogan
  • Yugo Kanno
  • Crush 40

Again, far from an exhaustive list, but it is a start.

Friends :)

Here are people I know on e6:

Favorite Video Game
That's right, not games, but game
Only one
It is my favorite but TBH I wouldn't recommend it to a soul on this planet
It's a complicated game
hard to get in to
The game in question is
(The question being what my favorite game is)

It's Stellaris.

post #5449559
post #5449542
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post #5448846
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post #5389558
post #5393338
post #5436317
post #5449559
post #5430868