binaryfloof 2 Joined MODERATOR

Come to the fire, there's light for everybody.

I am floof of binary.
Moth to the flame. Moth with flames. Flames with a side of Moth.
Digital pyromancy is my favorite party trick.

I sit on my computer screens all night because they hypnotize me.
Coincidentally, I am also in charge of making sure the site has a pleasant atmosphere for everyone.

I love Rainbow Dash!

Do you need something?

Feel free to send me a DMail or message me on Discord.
Please always lead with intent because I am insecure about social interactions!

I gave you a record unfairly?

We can talk about it! My contact is right above. Oh, you dont wanna? :(
If our disagreement is too great, you can tell my boss about it.

I hid your comment but you didnt break any rules?

Sorry about that! If I hid your comment and you didnt receive a record, then that’s because I was killing a reply chain that started with or contained a rule-breaking comment.
I believe in proper cleansing, so hiding rule-breaking comments and their descendants is a must! I cant unhide your comment, but I wont bother you any further.

You would like to get verified as an artist?

Hell yeah! If you upload your own art to e6, you can get your user account verified. You'll get a shiny badge and faster post approvals (when applicable).
To get verified, message me on one of these other sites with your e6 username:

FurAffinity | Twitter | Bluesky | Inkbunny | Newgrounds | Discord | Telegram

Or right here on e621, including proof like a screenshot of your works in an art program.

You can also message the official e621 accounts for verification! see here.

You are entitled to a record decay?

Accidentially uploaded a Paysite post or made a saucy comment? No hard feelings.
If you have gotten a record 6 months or longer ago and no further infractions have piled up since,
we can decay your record! Negative records turn into neutral ones, neutral ones are deleted.

If you'd like to have one or more of your records decayed, send me a message.

Lieber auf Deutsch?

Wenn du dein Anliegen lieber auf Deutsch besprechen möchtest, ist das kein Problem!
Schick mir einfach eine Nachricht über die oben erwähnten Kanäle.

Other staff

I am not your insect person? Not even if I try puppy eyes?
Check out our staff list in case you would rather contact someone else, in a different language or need higher powers!

Artist Information

As a passion project, I maintain


A lil mobile app that lets you browse e6 on your phone slightly more comfortably.
Features include:

  • Crossplatform (Android, iOS)
  • Browse new, hot and your favorite posts
  • Edit, favorite and vote on posts
  • View and write comments
  • Download Images (with multi-select)
  • Follow tags, with notifications
  • Extensive blacklist support with sync
  • Multiple logins, app themes and other settings

Sounds good? check out our own landing page for screenshots and downloads.

Or maybe I can interest you in

A jack-off-instruction stroke-to-the-beat slideshow right in your browser.

What can it do?

  • e621 post loader, based on tags.
  • Support for images, gifs and videos.
  • Stroke speed and control settings.
  • Events that adjust speed, or give you tasks.
  • Warmup, game duration and orgasm control.
  • Basic hypnosis.
  • Settings import/export.
  • Integration with vibrators via Intiface

You'd like to try it? Open and youre ready to go!

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