SkyWater 1 2 Joined MEMBER

A longtime digital artist and a experienced gamer. Have a love for big, strong, and thick characters. Especially ladies.

I draw original content including:
- Eternal Forwardness series
- Cerbelle & Bojan + Friends & Family
- My Partner & I's characters
- Other Characters (e.g. Polara)

Fan-art Content:
-Shrek series -Mario & Rabbids -Other Video Games
-Shaggy x Ghoul School -Super Mario Bros.

Artist Information

- Pay me as soon as the commission is agreed upon between commissioner and artist.
- I can decline if I feel it is inappropriate for what I am comfortable drawing.
- Please be patient. Communicate all wanted details at the start.

- I will draw -

- Original Characters (Feral & Anthro)
- Fan-art (e.g. Comics, Video Games, etc.)
- Most Shipping/couples (Original & any fandom including some Canon x OC)

-All body types (Skinny, Obese, Muscular)
-Mild injuries (i.e. cuts, bruises)
-Some sexual content (Nudity, Innuendos, Sex [Any orientation])

I won't draw:

- Couple Breaking (e.g. Pairing Sugar Belle (MLP) with an OC)
- Incest, pedophilia, rape, and male pregnancy
- Vore, Blueberry, Ballooning, Bondage, Assimilation
- Hate Art (Racist, sexist, homophobic)


All drawings are coloured and shaded.

Icon (one character) - Price: $15

*1 Character Only*

1 character (Simple Background) - Price: $40 - 1 character (Detailed Background) - Price: $50

*Two Characters*
After 2 characters, add +$15 for each extra character added.

2 Characters (Simple Background) - Price: $70 - 2 Characters (Detailed Background) - Price: $80

Character Reference Sheet - Price: $45
- Additional Characters +10

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