Sagokkogas Joined MEMBER

Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
FurAffinity account:
Artist name: Sagokkogas
How did i come up with Sagokkogas?
Well, my OC Satsukami's first two letters are sa. Japanese language has a sa symbol. GoK means God of Killing. So, SaGoK. Then i wrote SaGoK backwards, got KoGaS. Sagok and kogas... Sagokkogas! Yes, a palindrome. I love those.

I am half furry, y'know? Like. I am not exactly obsessed with them. But there are some stuff i like and some i don't.
I like Digimon and Pokémon.
Favorites: Gomamon, Kudamon, Gaomon, Terriermon, Lopmon, Guilmon, Hawkmon, Leafeon, Gallade, Hydreigon, Metagross, Swampert
Least favorites: Renamon, Makuramon, Castform