created by jm-luxro
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Age: Robot [AI is adult age]
Height: 1.3m
Wight: 70kg
Sex: Male
Race: Hyloglent [A commercially available helper robot that was modified by Mirande]
Owner: Mirande

Logical, analytical, dry humour, has a "straight man" chemistry with Mirande. Essentially an emotional support robot. Helps Mirande around the house. Also likes headpats.

Dick Stats: roughly 6 inches flaccid, uncircumcised in design. The shaft can be used for combat as a battering melee attack and can be imbued with elemental powers. His balls are for storing fuel (typically liquid rocket fuels).

Tail Stats: Fully prehensile and typically remains retracted around where the coils are, but can extend to be up to 6m long. Can splay near the tip to funnel in suction when in vacuum mode.

Thanks to Maverick Hunter Daniel for the commission ^^

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