It was a long and dreadful day, of walking, scouring , searching for food, looking for any prey to feed her and her pride. But Eshe's search, brought her outside of her borders and well within the dangers of the savanna. Which, is when and where she ran into this big, massive, stud of a lion named Mula, he was at least three times the size of her king Obasi, and twice that Kiros. At first, Eshe was weary of him, a bit nervous of his intentions and whether or not she is done for. But, to her surprise and luck, the rather charming mighty lion wasn't at all interested in harming her. Never, has the mighty lion harmed a lioness, unless it was purely justified, and thus he brought her food that he recently caught. Then, Eshe felt something within her, that she hadn't felt in a long time, a burning urge beneath her tail that Obasi has failed to occur since the only time, that she mated with him. It's been a full three years since then, and the birth of her only son, and the older lioness had to be relieved be her fellow sisters and hadn't touched another male. But now... for the first time in three years, Eshe is ready and willing to give it to this massive lion, who she believes has earned the treat, as well as her curiosity getting the better of her.
While a limping back home, Eshe has never felt anything so amazing in her life... or... anything since.
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