nyahmyah said:
No it's not, the demon bear was Penance and this one is Ambrosia. One's a cop the other is a succubus stuck in a cub form.
If I'm not mistaken, Ambrosia has dwarfism.
nyahmyah said:
No it's not, the demon bear was Penance and this one is Ambrosia. One's a cop the other is a succubus stuck in a cub form.
If I'm not mistaken, Ambrosia has dwarfism.
nyahmyah said:
Pretty certain this is the Patreon version
nyahmyah said:
Doesn't matter as per the site rules:Most artists and character owners are used to using websites where they can build their own personal collection of artwork and have direct control over it. This allows them, to an extent, to have control over how the artwork is presented and what additional information should accompany the artwork, if any. They often use the site's own tagging/keyword system to relay that additional information. For example, if a picture contains a fully clothed character that appears to be female, the artist may add "herm" as a tag on the post to clue people in that the character is actually a herm instead of a female. On those sites, this is fine; if the artist wants to draw things in a way that they look like something else, that's entirely their own creative decision to do so.
However, this is NOT the intended purpose of tags on e621.net.
E621's tagging system is intended to relay virtually NO ADDITIONAL INFORMATION or context about an image. Therefore, for every post on the site, it can be assumed that e621's tagging system is actually saying "this post appears to contain X" rather than "this post definitely contains X".
The very fact that e621's policy is "Tag What You See" INTRINSICALLY means that all tags on a post are only claims as to what's visible in an image, not what "actually is" in an image. Claiming what "actually is" in an image is often far more subjective than just saying what an image appears to contain, so we use the less-subjective method of TWYS.
This is quoted from the TWYS page
TWYS is moronic because there aren't obvious contextual limitations and it's all based on human perspected biases. Breastless females are apparently argued to be cuntboys to some to fuel people's fetishes like how they argued over charr where we needed a specific tag for female in "lore." It's the dumbest shit - what normal browser of this site is going to ever use those tags aside from the 1% who fervently gets off more on the rules than the actual imagery despite this being for all intents and purposes, a porn site?
Man this shit is annoying and stupid as hell. Have some nuance.
nyahmyah said:
Random fact: It's possible for men to ejaculate without an orgasm. When this happens it's possible to last for a ridiculous amount of time beyond the hours even this comic has listed. This can lead to a few issues including what feels like the most painful cramp in your balls if breaks aren't taken. However if breaks are taken and one stays hydrated it can become amazing for all those involved. ....I'm gonna go hide back in my corner now.
So the legends? They are true!?
nyahmyah said:
So the tags are locked on the wrong ones even for the TWYS rules....wow this site gets worse day by day. The smaller character should be marked male or if you want to stretch it ambigous gender. Not only are there guys like that naturally but males that used to work out their pecs but stopped tend to develop breast fat like that as the muscle fades away. Not only is it hard to get rid of but alot of times most efforts to do so make it worse. Unless one dedicates themselves to always doing the proper exercises, diets, and supplements it's almost impossible
I honestly did not know this before, thank you for this genuinely interesting information!
nyahmyah said:
Some characters have different gender versions that exist so simply having the character simply look feminine wouldn't count, it would need to actually display the sexual characteristics otherwise it would just fall under the girly tag. In such cases the bubble for the angle to display would work(except in the case of some feral gynomorphs).I believe there is also a "insert sex"_(lore) tag which can be used for when other sources specify the sex in an image, however in the case of intersex you have to specify herm, maleherm, gynomorph, or andromorph.
Ill have to keep all this in mind if I ever end up pulling the trigger and getting into getting artwork n such. Thanks for going into detail and explaining things, hopefully ill be able to get it all down for that distance chance of wanting to get art and upload it here n such :P . In unrelated bits, is there a spot where it would show replies to comments on here? I never seem to find yours and just have to keep checking this image everyday or so which seems a little odd if you post comments on multiple images and happen to forget how to get to them X3
nyahmyah said:
Doesn't matter as per the site rules:Most artists and character owners are used to using websites where they can build their own personal collection of artwork and have direct control over it. This allows them, to an extent, to have control over how the artwork is presented and what additional information should accompany the artwork, if any. They often use the site's own tagging/keyword system to relay that additional information. For example, if a picture contains a fully clothed character that appears to be female, the artist may add "herm" as a tag on the post to clue people in that the character is actually a herm instead of a female. On those sites, this is fine; if the artist wants to draw things in a way that they look like something else, that's entirely their own creative decision to do so.
However, this is NOT the intended purpose of tags on e621.net.
E621's tagging system is intended to relay virtually NO ADDITIONAL INFORMATION or context about an image. Therefore, for every post on the site, it can be assumed that e621's tagging system is actually saying "this post appears to contain X" rather than "this post definitely contains X".
The very fact that e621's policy is "Tag What You See" INTRINSICALLY means that all tags on a post are only claims as to what's visible in an image, not what "actually is" in an image. Claiming what "actually is" in an image is often far more subjective than just saying what an image appears to contain, so we use the less-subjective method of TWYS.
This is quoted from the TWYS page
Gotcha gotcha, suppose if any pictures like this come up again the artist would just have to draw the character to be even more feminine looking to get the point across. Otherwise it can just be a back n forth on what one person sees vs. another on each others own standards of what is and isnt x or y. And if that fails slap a bubble somewhere on the image to show another angle for confirmation of gender, if an artists original goal was to have a certain pose or what have you that would lead to situations like the one above.
nyahmyah said:
So the tags are locked on the wrong ones even for the TWYS rules....wow this site gets worse day by day. The smaller character should be marked male or if you want to stretch it ambigous gender. Not only are there guys like that naturally but males that used to work out their pecs but stopped tend to develop breast fat like that as the muscle fades away. Not only is it hard to get rid of but alot of times most efforts to do so make it worse. Unless one dedicates themselves to always doing the proper exercises, diets, and supplements it's almost impossible
that's my fetish.
nyahmyah said:
Considering what this character is doing it isn't too hard to imagine someone getting upset because it looks similar to their character. I honestly think that's the real reason the guy complained.
Some people have thin skin and break some comics by doing take-downs, silver soul has a few pages (yellows first moments out of his egg) and some ask silvers taken down
NyahMyah said:
Random fact: It's possible for men to ejaculate without an orgasm. When this happens it's possible to last for a ridiculous amount of time beyond the hours even this comic has listed. This can lead to a few issues including what feels like the most painful cramp in your balls if breaks aren't taken. However if breaks are taken and one stays hydrated it can become amazing for all those involved. ....I'm gonna go hide back in my corner now.
how the fuck is that even possible
NyahMyah said:
What's the difference between this and post #1979523 ?
A fog effect.
NyahMyah said:
1 in her hooves, 5 more on the bed, 1 on the chair, 2 beneath the desk, 1 on the desk, and four on the bed stand. I zoomed in on the drawer to see if that was a toy in there but there isn't. Sooo.. where's number 15?BTW I don't know when the last time you checked BD's site was but the prices aren't as ridiculous as they used to be. Also if you really want to collect some pay attention for their sales and to the flops for a chance at a model and size you want at a reduced price that even stacks with some of their sales. Sometimes a toy will be a flop for a minor cosmetic issue. This weekend alone they had a ton of flops. With a few exceptions that's how I get most of mine.
I think there is two on the chair since the base and the tip shown seem to be so disjointed.
Also there is definitely something between her rear legs not sure if dildo or some other sort of gadget.
Counting the 4 shown on her computer, that's potentially 20 toys packed in one picture.
Edit: Oh wait, I think the thing on her rear legs is the syringe holding the cum. Nevermind
NyahMyah said:
1 in her hooves, 5 more on the bed, 1 on the chair, 2 beneath the desk, 1 on the desk, and four on the bed stand. I zoomed in on the drawer to see if that was a toy in there but there isn't. Sooo.. where's number 15?BTW I don't know when the last time you checked BD's site was but the prices aren't as ridiculous as they used to be. Also if you really want to collect some pay attention for their sales and to the flops for a chance at a model and size you want at a reduced price that even stacks with some of their sales. Sometimes a toy will be a flop for a minor cosmetic issue. This weekend alone they had a ton of flops. With a few exceptions that's how I get most of mine.
hm. i swear i counted 15 like 3 times before. but yeah, i just meant actually having that many, they are very reasonably priced, id love to see your collection
NyahMyah said:
The right foot looks like it should be the left one
Maybe he's got two left feet?
NyahMyah said:
I don't see a difference between this and the parent post.
Before you flag, open the images in a new tab ctrl+tab between them.
This one is slightly see-through.
You could argue that it's not enough to justify two uploads, but they are differend.
NyahMyah said:
Well there's also the red panda on the right that looks like they have developing breasts.
yeah they both seem to be dickgirls. you can also tell by their abnormally large bottom lips, the telltale feature of a dickgirl.
NyahMyah said:
I understand what you said and I see how it's supposed to work.
But it still looks weird and out of sync.
Carima your gal
MemberI know you are right about the actual facts but this character is canonically trans and has only appeared not in the form of a pre-op post-HRT trans chick as a cis female. The fat distribution is similar to that of an actual trans chick too