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cantthinkofausername said:
I'm really not sure if that's supposed to be a duck or a more chibi goose so I gave it both tags for now. The proportions match a call duck pretty well, but feathery part of the legs look more goose-like.

Makes sense

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  • cantthinkofausername said:
    I tagged this blood because seemingly, there was a bit of blood in the part where the POV woman sucked the horse's penis and seeing that actually almost made me pass out. If I just saw things wrong though, feel free to remove it.

    It's actually lipstick but I get it, blood freaks me out too


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  • cantthinkofausername said:
    I tagged this blood because seemingly, there was a bit of blood in the part where the POV woman sucked the horse's penis and seeing that actually almost made me pass out. If I just saw things wrong though, feel free to remove it.

    That's obviously lipstick.

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  • CantThinkOfAUsername said:
    I love it! Lapras is one of my most favorite Pokémon too and I find it to be a really pretty and sexy Pokémon, so seeing these situations with one is so great. There really isn't enough porn of Lapras. I also really like the additional pics in the PDF, especially the ones where Lapras is dominant and the additional kissing ones.

    I know, there really are very few porn from this pokémon. So I hope to do more. XD
    Yes, I may publish the page with the kissing separately. Thank you!

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  • CantThinkOfAUsername said:
    Just wondering though, but is the creator fine with NSFW art of them?

    I'm going to be honest, I was actually refraining from uploading this picture for a while. I did a bit of searching elsewhere, and I had found a couple other similar explicit works with Silvvy & Ebby which have been floating around on the internet for quite a while now, so I had figured the creator was alright with NSFW art

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  • CantThinkOfAUsername said:
    Oh hey it's those DeviantArt emote dragons.

    Oh wow, somebody actually recognized what these two were originally from, LOL. But yes, I haven't seen fanart of these two in quite a while, so I had figured I'd whip some up, even if it is rather raunchy!

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  • CantThinkOfAUsername said:
    I'm looking at them in a way that makes both images overlap each other, and it worked for videos with cross-eye 3D. But maybe you're right that this is actually the wall-eyed technique? I dunno. I might try to switch sides of the images if I'm not lazy.

    Well, I am most definitely right, so yeah, you are doing the wall-eyed thing, haha. Try searching both wall_eye_stereogram and cross_eye_stereogram tags on this site. You will see all cross-eyed ones with reversed depth.

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  • CantThinkOfAUsername said:
    The 3D depth appears to be reversed when I cross my eyes. I think the places of the images should be switched.

    Nope, you are just looking at it wrong somehow. You are probably not crossing your eyes, but using the wall-eyed technique. Most people cross their eyes, so I'm uploading in this format, but you can switch the sides and get the wall-eyed version by yourself if you want.

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  • CantThinkOfAUsername said:
    do u think that deerling gets embarrassed when she poos out eggs in front of her trainer???
    sorry if this ofends anyone but i thought it was a funny thing haha

    GameManiac said:
    Pain dwarfs embarrassment, I would presume.

    I do believe that any pokemon would have developed such a strong trust with their trainer by the time they enter the process of breeding that their trust alone would eliminate any thing called embarrassment. Moreover, in the absence of their mate, their trainer would probably also be an important source of comfort,as giving birth can be an painful and traumatizing experience, especially during the first time.

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  • CantThinkOfAUsername said:
    Yeah, this.

    Plus this is honestly very tame compared to some other things.

    If only more people had this mindset. So many things in the fetish kingdom eat up, but if you're into this you become public enemy #1.

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  • CantThinkOfAUsername said:
    Seeing the miniature, I thought it was going to be crap, but this is actually pretty good. The art style reminds me of Kirby's Dream Land 3.

    It IS a Kirby's Dream Land 3 compilation.

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  • CantThinkOfAUsername said:
    Byzil does have a long tail.
    Also, I dunno if you're just commenting this in case the original artist sees it, but to prevent confusion; I didn't draw this, Sprout did. I simply reposted it on this site.

    Oh, ok. I have no clue how uploads work. Things like that always confuse me.

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  • CantThinkOfAUsername said:
    that snake must be reaaally long

    Just like furries can adjust their anus to the size of any object, this snake can adjust its length to the size of any intestine.

    Also, furries are just sentient fleshlights: one single, straight tube from mouth to butt. It's actually a very short snake in that case.

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  • CantThinkOfAUsername said:
    I just did it for you.

    It's actually just to add the tag if the artist tag already exists, and if the artist tag doesn't exist, just put "artist:" before the tag and it'll make it an artist tag.


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