through screen

A scene where a character is partially through a display screen, such as through a computer monitor or television screen.
As examples, a character may stick body parts through (such as reaching their hand out through the screen, or sticking their ass through), stick their entire upper body through, or travel through the screen by crawling or climbing out through it.
post #4816223 post #4768610 post #3970775

They can also be depicted as if they are going through the display used by the audience to view the piece, overlapping with breaking the fourth wall. In this case, the image may have a cracked glass or broken-LCD effect, as if the character is breaking through.
post #4536608
The image might also show this by having the character climb out of the "frame" of the image, or over computer UI elements. Not all images that have a character outside border or outside panel would count here, they need to be depicted as interacting through the image in some way.
post #3950802

This visual trope is strongly associated with horror, most famously of the character sadako yamamura from The Ring. It is also associated with characters that are an AI or other virtual/cyberspace entity, such as scp-1471-a ("Mal0").
post #4672970

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