post #615698 post #489511 post #1835589
A silhouette is a representation of a character or object through a highly simplified rendering with little (if any) detail beyond its outline, which can give them a more mysterious look to them.
General guidelines:
- A silhouette should still be distinctive. This means that whatever is portrayed still retains enough form to tell what it might be.
- A silhouette that is physically present within a scene is not a shadow. A silhouette representation of something not visible in a scene is usually taggable as a shadow. While some silhouettes are shadows, not all shadows are silhouettes. Remember that a silhouette must have a recognizable form.
- Silhouettes of characters (not shadows of characters) apply towards the character count.
- A silhouette is usually a dark color, but can be any color.
Silhouette forms:
- Solid color, typically black (to draw attention to the post's focus character(s))
- Transparent color, typically black (to focus on what is behind the character)
- Seen as a shadow of an unseen_character (these do not count towards solo/duo/group and should also be tagged with shadow).
See also
The following tags are aliased to this tag: silhouettes, silhoutte, silloette (learn more).
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