pattern legwear

Any article of legwear with some sort of pattern on it. A pattern can be defined as something having one or more elements that repeat in a predictable way. Smaller subset patterns within otherwise non-repeating shapes, or geometry, and including single stripes along the trim that is common to certain clothing are allowed under this tag's definition. Shapes and symbols that are symmetrical in nature should be treated as a singular element.

Not to be confused with

  • print_legwear - The tag to use for symbols, logos, text, creatures and characters, food, objects, and basically anything that isn't considered a pattern by default for this tag printed on an article of legwear. Clothing that contains a pattern of such elements may be treated as both a print, and a pattern.

See also

This tag implicates legwear, pattern_clothing (learn more).

The following tags implicate this tag: argyle_legwear, camo_legwear, checkered_legwear, pattern_leg_warmers, pattern_leggings, pattern_socks, pattern_stockings, pattern_thigh_highs, plaid_legwear, spotted_legwear, striped_legwear (learn more).

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