occult symbol
post #4698472 post #2719237 post #2513207
Symbols primarily associated with the occult. Note that there are other symbols sometimes associated with the occult that do not imply this tag due to having associations in different contexts as well.
Occult symbols
Context-dependent symbols
- alchemical_symbol
- ankh
- black_sun - Now most commonly used by neo-nazis.
- chaos_star
- eye_of_horus
- heptagram
- hexagram - Also known as the Star of David or the Kagome Crest, depending on the culture.
- inverted_cross
- ouroboros
- rose_cross
- sun_cross
- triquetra
See also
This tag implicates symbol (learn more).
The following tags implicate this tag: icelandic_magical_stave, pentacle, pentagram, seal_of_solomon, sigil (learn more).
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