Meta: meme

An Internet meme is an activity, concept, catchphrase or piece of media which spreads, often as mimicry, from person to person via the Internet. An Internet meme may take the form of an image, hyperlink, video, picture, website, or hashtag. It may be just a word or phrase, including an intentional misspelling. These small movements tend to spread from person to person via social networks, blogs, direct email, or news sources. In short, a meme is an idea that mutates similarly to a gene. They may relate to various existing Internet cultures or subcultures, often created or spread on sites such as Reddit, Tumblr, Twitter, and numerous others, or by Usenet boards and other such early-internet communications facilities.

Types of Memes

This section roughly categorizes memes by their theme, concept, and formatting, some memes can cross into multiple categories, and will show up more than once on this list. Note that this list is a work in progress, and may omit memes listed in the alphabetical section below.

Meme Genres

These tags describe "overarching genres" of memes, which may follow a specific format, and/or may have a particular "visual language" and/or "cast of characters"


Art Memes

Memes that involve artists drawing certain subjects; they may be part of a trend or challenge, and may feature a template to draw on

Template Based Art Memes
Meme Poses
Meme Clothing


Format Based Memes (Comics/Captions/Diagrams)

Memes that follow a specific visual format, with the labels or characters being inserted into the format to change the meme. These are sometimes known as Expoitables as they're usually images that can be easily re-captioned or edited to change the joke

Meme Content

These are tags that don't necessarily follow any particular meme format, and just describe the "content" of the meme.

Meme Phrases

These memes revolve around a specific memetic phrase, while some of these memes have a specific image or character strongly linked with them, many of these memes are entirely based on a phrase being shown in dialogue or other text.

Meme References

While many memes are technically references, they can stand on their own without the context of the source. Some of the following memes are direct references to a piece of media, or event, and in some cases, the memes are only able to be understood if one knows the context of the meme. This also lists pieces of media that may be referenced in general, and memes stemming from that media.

Reaction Images

Memes that are usually used in response to something, but may appear as elements within other memes or media.

Meme Characters

Characters which are born of memes, intrinsically linked to memes, or gained popularity as part of memes. Some "genres" of meme feature specific casts of characters

Animal Memes
Music Memes

Memes that are tied to specific songs, are heavily associated with songs, or reference particular music videos or animations associated with a song.

Sexual/Suggestive/Horny Memes

Alphabetical List of Meme Tags

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The following tags are aliased to this tag: memes, spongebob_memes (learn more).

The following tags implicate this tag: 30_minute_art_challenge, a_cat_is_fine_too, adventure_(meme), advice_meme, ah_yes._me._my_girlfriend., alligator_kick_(meme), als_ice_bucket_challenge, among_us_twerk, ancient_aliens, angry_noises, animation_meme, apu_spills_his_nuggies, are_you_tired_of_being_nice?, area_51_meme, arrow_to_the_knee, awesome_face, axel_in_harlem, baking_my_long_distance_bf_into_a_cookie_because_i_miss_him, beep_beep_i'm_a_sheep, begone_thot, big_pant_or_big_jakt_(meme), black_betty_(meme), blue_lobster_(meme), bongo_cat, boobs?_wanna_touch_boobs?, born_to_die_(meme), bowsette_meme, boy_kisser_(meme), brainlet, broly_culo, buenos_dias_mandy, burger_king_foot_lettuce, business_cat, calm_down_son_it's_just_a_drawing_(meme), can't_let_you_do_that_star_fox, can't_let_you_see_this_(meme), can't_see_the_haters, caramelldansen, cat_breakdancing_meme, cat_detector_(meme), cats_vs._cucumbers, ceiling_cat, chad_(meme), change_my_mind, chicken_nugget_grab_meme, chocolate_bird, cicada_block, cinnamon_challenge, cockwaffle, conflicted_(meme), cookie_cuckold_(meme), corndog_meme, country_girls_make_do, crying_cat, cumshots_meme, dabbing, dancing_cockroach, dangerously_furry_(meme), dat_ass_(meme), dat_boi, delet_this, dickbutt, distracted_boyfriend, do_men_still_love_women_this_size, do_you_even_lift, doge, dogshaming, don't_talk_to_me_or_my_son_ever_again, doomer_(meme), dr._livesey_walk, dragostea_din_tei, draw_25_(meme), draw_me_like_one_of_your_french_girls, drip_(meme), elden_dogs_(meme), everyone_is_so_mean_to_me, expression_meme, fair_argument_(meme), family_guy_death_pose, forever_alone, gangnam_style, gentlemen, george_costanza_reaction_face, giant_enemy_crab, girls_laughing_(meme), go_to_horny_jail, got_milk?, grimace_shake, guess_i'll_die, hampster_dance, hands-free_bubble_tea, handsome_squidward_(meme), harambe, he_wants_to_order, he_will_be_back_(meme), hello_darkness_my_old_friend_(meme), hello_human_resources, holy_fucking_bingle, holy_hand_grenade_of_antioch, hotline_bling, how_to_talk_to_short_people, i'll_now_proceed_to_pleasure_myself_with_this_fish, i'm_gonna_have_sexual_thoughts_about_that, i_came, i_can't_fap_to_this, i_don't_want_to_be_bread, i_know_that_took_restraint, i_love_when_ppl_draw_ships_like_this, i_mean_breast_milk, i_say, i_thlammed_my_penith_in_the_car_door, i_thought_that_was_interesting, if_it_fits_i_sits_(meme), image_macro, is_that_your_fucking_fursona?_that's_cringe, is_this_a_pigeon, it's_a_lion_get_in_the_car, it's_dangerous_to_go_alone, it's_free_real_estate, it's_on_the_mouse, join_covenant_(meme), joker_dancing, just_a_flesh_wound, just_right, k.k._slider_album_redraw, keyboard_cat, knife_cat, kris_where_are_we, krystal_can't_enjoy_her_sandwich, laughing_wolves_meme, leeroy_jenkins, leg_press_redraw_(meme), lemme_smash, lenny_face, let's_take_ibuprofen_together, let_me_do_it_for_you, lolcats, longcat, loss, luigi_death_stare, maidenless_(meme), marc_antony_thinking_pose, math_lady, me_and_the_boys, me_gusta, mega_milk, meme_clothing, menacing_(meme), mini_milk, mom_holy_fuck, mom_said_it's_my_turn_to_use_the_xbox, monorail_cat, moon_moon, mordetwi, moth_lamp_(meme), muscle_fox, my_body_is_ready, naruto_run, neuron_activation, nine_months_in_my_womb_making_me_suffer, no_bitches?, no_nut_november, no_pillow, no_way_fag, nobody_expects_the_spanish_inquisition, nothing_at_all, nothing_to_smile_about_in_my_life, notice_me_senpai, nyan_cat, o_rly, oh_you, omg_hi!, one_does_not_simply, one_finger_challenge, over_9000, owo_whats_this, party_cat, pathetic_(meme), patrick_nailing_a_board_to_his_head_(meme), pedobear, penis_inspection_day, pepe_silvia_(meme), pepe_the_frog, pickle_rick, piper_perri_surrounded, pissing_all_by_yourself_handsome?, place_lips_here_(meme), please_respond, pocket_sand, pogchamp, pomf_(meme), pony_cum_jar_project, pool's_closed, praise_the_sun_(meme), rental_daddy, rental_mommy, rickroll, right-hook_dog, sad-eyed_spongebob_(meme), sailor_moon_redraw_challenge, sandstorm_(darude), sanic, shampoo_challenge, she_looks_like_she_fucks, shirt_cut_meme, shitpost, shocked_tails, showing_baby_to_a_supermarket_camera, shut_up_and_take_my_money, sickos_meme, sigh_go_get_my_purse, sitting_baby_alligator_meme, six_fanarts_challenge, smashing_(meme), snoot_challenge, somebody_toucha_my_spaghet, son_i_am_disappoint, soulslike_message_(meme), special_feeling, spongegar_(meme), sprigatito_don't_stand_up, squidward_looking_out_the_window_(meme), supa_hot_fire, surprised_pikachu, tardar_sauce, terminator_time_travel_scene_(meme), that's_kind_of_hot, that_fucking_cat, the_bride_and_the_ugly_ass_groom, the_cheese_grater_image, the_harkness_test_(meme), the_rock's_eyebrow_raise, these_are_all_cakes, think_mark_think!, this_is_what_it_looks_like, this_is_why_we_can't_have_nice_things, this_isn't_even_my_final_form, this_isn't_my_horn, thour_(meme), tight_pants_(meme), toad_stacking, toddroll, too_early_for_this, trade_offer, trollface, trumpet_boy, tweetfur, ugandan_knuckles, until_it_snaps, vanquished_(meme), vaporeon_copypasta, virgin_vs._chad, waifu_chart, we're_emo_(meme), wet_spaghetti, what_does_the_fox_say, what_is_love, what_what_(in_the_butt), white_devils_"agreed", women_want_me_fish_fear_me, wyer_bowling_(meme), y'know_nyah, ya_rly, yaranaika, yes-no_pillow, yes_pillow, yes_this_is_dog, yiff_in_hell, you_are_doing_me_a_frighten, you_are_not_immune_to_propaganda, you_are_the_worst_creature_who_ever_lived, you_died_(meme), you_don't_say, you_know_i_had_to_do_it_to_em, you_like_krabby_patties_dont_you_squidward_(meme), you_mad?, you_shall_not_pass, ¿quieres? (learn more).

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