Leaning is a posture in which a character's upper body deviates from an upright position. A character may be leaning on objects, structures, on other characters, themselves, or on nothing at all.
Leaning is characterized by a slanted appearance either towards the front, back, or to the side, but only in a position that is not considered fully lying against a surface. Characters that are leaning at an angle roughly greater than 45 degrees are considered bent over instead. Bent over characters are technically considered leaning, and the use cases do tend to overlap.
Basic forms
- leaning_aside / leaning_to_side - Leaning sideways
- leaning_back
- leaning_forward
- leaning_on_x - The tag format for a character leaning into something. It does not apply if a character is fully supported by the surface.
- bent_over - Not typically tagged as leaning, but technically is a form of leaning.
- bent_over_x - The tag format for a character bent over something. It is the bent over version of leaning_on_x.
- against_x - The tag format for a character having part of their body weight distributed against something. Often involves leaning_on_x or bent_over_x. It may include other concepts such as pinning.
- against_wall - A character leaning, or otherwise pressed against a wall.
- reclining - Unless it involves a sloped surface, it tends to involve leaning, but this is not a primary usage for the leaning tag unless the character is also propped up against a surface.
Compatible postures
Leaning is compatible with all basic postures except lying. It is also applicable to feral body types, and the all fours position. In that case, the position itself is not considered leaning, but the leaning tag may be applicable based on shoulder position, especially if the upper half of the body is raised higher than the lower half.
Not to be confused with
- arm_support - The distribution of weight via one or more arms. The body position must be consistent with a leaning posture to be considered leaning.
See also
The following tags are aliased to this tag: lean (learn more).
The following tags implicate this tag: leaning_backward, leaning_forward, leaning_sideways (learn more).
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