Character: general scales

General Scales is a SharpClaw and a tyrannical despot appearing as the main antagonist in the game Star Fox Adventures for the Nintendo GameCube.

At some point, the SharpClaws led by Scales attempted to become one of the leading tribes of Dinosaur Planet. However, they were denied a spot, instead losing out to the CloudRunner and EarthWalker tribes. At some point, Scales caught the eye of Andross, who by that point was a disembodied spirit. While making himself relatively unknown to Scales, he managed to donate a bit of his power and presumably his knowledge to Scales, allowing for him and his tribe to declare war on Sauria. He eventually raided Krazoa Palace, wiping out the EarthWalkers who were guarding the palace, although not without the EarthWalkers sensing the malevolent power behind Scales' assault. Eventually, he ambushes the Cerinian survivor, Krystal, with his galleon, and after his ship was heavily damaged, he met up with her after she managed to procure a key for Krazoa palace and tried to kill her. At some point, he was met with resistance with a group composed of a EarthWalker, a HighTop, a ThornTail, and Kyte, the CloudRunner who flew Krystal to Krazoa Palace, and defeated and captured them save for the ThornTail, who was secretly a GateKeeper and who managed to escape.

At some point later, he led the SharpClaw army to war against the CloudRunner tribe and the other tribes on the planet Sauria, and was the one responsible for the breakup of the planet by removing the Spellstones that stabilized the planet. Afterwards, he hunted down the GateKeepers to gain access to the floating pieces of the planet, and he conquered each floating land mass one after another, as well as returning the SpellStones to their respective lands. Scales attempted to blackmail Garunda Te, the elder of the SnowHorn tribe, into opening the way to DarkIce Mines with the alternative of Scales committing genocide against the SnowHorns. Although Garunda Te still refused even at the cost of his tribe, his daughter, Belina Te, submitted to Scales and opened the gateway for him in order to save her race. Scales, true to his word, did not wipe out the race, but enslaved them instead and transported them to DarkIce Mines so they would be forced to work in the mines; he also had his minions seal away Garunda Te, presumably as his punishment for resisting him. He later captured the CloudRunner Fortress and used it as his base of operations, as well as exiling the CloudRunner Queen to the main planet shortly after capturing her. Although he did not capture Walled City due to the King Earthwalker sealing away his gatekeeping powers, he did nonetheless return the SpellStone to the Walled City sometime beforehand and also released the RedEye tribe from their imprisonment, and likewise forced the EarthWalkers into hiding. He also captured Dragon Rock and turned it into a prison facility for any enemies of his tribe. As a security measure against potential meddlers, he assigned members of his tribe to guard Moon Mountain Pass and the Cape Claw area due to their connection to the Force Point temples. He also arranged for Prince Tricky to be captured and held prisoner at Ice Mountain.

At some point, he became privy to Fox McCloud's arrival on the planet, and upon the CloudRunner queen's return to the CloudRunner Fortress, he captures her and interrogates her about Fox's location. He then has her beaten after she states that Fox will find him and destroy him. Shortly after Fox reveals himself, he has Fox captured, and takes away his staff. Scales eventually manages to break into the treasure room where the SpellStone was and retrieved it, although Fox managed to intercept the SpellStone. Scales fled from the scene via a teleportation device on his belt, and Fox did not encounter him again until his penultimate visit to Krazoa Palace.

Later revealed to be the holder of the last of the Krazoa Spirits, General Scales prepared himself to fight Fox McCloud in the Krazoa Palace, using some kind of sword. However, this was not to be, as Andross interrupted their fight and forced Scales to relinquish the final spirit to McCloud. (If the player does not take out the Staff, it is revealed that Scales has no fight moves or his own sounds. Instead, he just moves around and makes the same sounds as every other SharpClaw.)

As the general falls, he states "You will regret this," implying that he would return in a future title. However, since he is nowhere to be found, it is assumed that he has either died or has simply been knocked out and imprisoned by his fellow SharpClaw. Another explanation for his statement would be that he may have been warning Fox of Andross' return. However, because Scales did not know of his association with Andross, let alone could he see Andross, this is highly unlikely. He could also have been threatening Andross for forcing him to give up the Krozoa Spirit. In Star Fox Assault, Slippy says that most of the Sharpclaw tribe got wiped out, so he could be dead.

When Fox returns from fighting Andross, he finds that the SharpClaw have liberated themselves from the general and are holding up his belt in victory.

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