
post #1113671 post #1474018 post #948568 post #1432810 post #1326246

Garters are narrow bands of fabric fastened to an extremity, and used to keep up stockings, and sometimes socks. Normally just a few inches in width, they are usually made of leather or heavy cloth, and adorned with small bells and/or ribbons. In the eighteenth to twentieth centuries, they were tied just below the knee, where the leg was slenderest, to keep the stocking from slipping. The advent of elastic has made them less necessary from this functional standpoint, although they are still often worn for fashion. Garters are worn by men and women. (Source:Wikipedia)

Not to be confused with

General tag: lingerie

See also

The following tags are aliased to this tag: garters (learn more).

This tag implicates accessory (learn more).

The following tags implicate this tag: arm_garter, frilly_garter, leg_garter, neck_garter, penis_garter, sleeve_garter, tail_garter (learn more).

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