furry-specific piercing
A piercing pertaining to parts on an anthropomorphic or otherwise furry character. These are generally not possible in Human characters.
- claw_piercing
- fin_piercing
- horn_piercing
- muzzle_piercing
- pouch_piercing
- sheath_piercing
- snake_hood_piercing
- tail_piercing
- tentacle_piercing
- wing_piercing
See also
The following tags are aliased to this tag: furry-specific_piercings, furry_piercing, furry_specific_piercing, furry_specific_piercings (learn more).
This tag implicates furgonomics, piercing (learn more).
The following tags implicate this tag: antennae_piercing, beak_piercing, claw_piercing, cloacal_piercing, crest_piercing, dewlap_piercing, dock_piercing, fin_piercing, frill_piercing, hoof_piercing, horn_piercing, muzzle_piercing, pouch_piercing, prehensile_clitoral_hood_piercing, sheath_piercing, snake_hood_piercing, tail_piercing, teat_piercing, tentacle_piercing, wing_piercing (learn more).
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