The use of an electrical charge applied to the body to provide sexual stimulation, usually directly via the erogenous zones, and is often an alternate method of masturbation. In real life, electrostimulation is applied by means of electrodes - pads, wands, clamps, or probes that apply a voltage to a character's tissues, and that tag should also be applied to that kind of "realistic" e-stim. Other, more exotic sources of electrostimulation - electrogenesis via magic, robotics, or biology such as Pokemon - should not be tagged with electrode. While regarded as a method of hands-free or mechanical stimulation, it's easy for it to fall under edgeplay because of the risks of using improvised methods or any electrical device that's not specifically meant for electrical stimulation of the body, or applying the normally safe devices on the wrong parts of the body or in the wrong ways, or if those safe devices are damaged or defective in some way.
- Not to be confused with electroejaculation, a more direct method used to collect semen.
See also
The following tags are aliased to this tag: e-stim, electric_stimulation, electro, electrostim, estim (learn more).
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