Character: dr. jacques von hamsterviel
post #1425354 post #1395245 post #1507690
Dr. Jacques von Hämsterviel is the main antagonist of the Lilo & Stitch franchise after the 2002 original film. He is a gerbil-like (although he claims to be hamster-like) alien creature with red eyes and albino fur.
His personality is similar to the Frenchman of Monty Python and the Holy Grail, being incredibly rude and obnoxious to everyone he meets and speaking in an exaggerated French accent. His surname is often mispronounced much to his chagrin. He is the former partner-in-crime of Dr. Jumba Jookiba who funded the creation of the experiments through shady deals. Unlike Jumba, Hämsterviel is purely evil.
In Stitch! The Movie (2003) and throughout the subsequent Lilo & Stitch: The Series (2003—06), Hämsterviel hires ex-captain Gantu to (try to) retrieve the first 625 experiments from Jumba so he can rule the galaxy, but they only get the lazy Experiment 625. In Leroy & Stitch (2006), Gantu breaks Hämsterviel out of galactic prison, and they force Jumba to create and clone an experiment Hämsterviel names "Leroy". With his Leroy army, Hämsterviel almost completely succeeds in taking over the United Galactic Federation and destroying the first 624 experiments in one fell swoop, but Lilo and Stitch, along with their "'ohana", fight back and defeat Hämsterviel and his Leroy army.
In the Stitch! anime (2008–15), set years after Leroy & Stitch, Hämsterviel maintains his role as the main antagonist for the first two seasons, rehiring Gantu and Reuben (625). In the third season, he partners up with an alien woman named Delia, who actually takes over the main antagonist role during that season, reducing Hämsterviel to a supporting antagonist. He regains the main antagonist role for the two post-series specials, however.
In Stitch & Ai (2017), which is set on a separate post-Leroy timeline from the anime, Hämsterviel remains in custody and is briefly seen doing hard labor on a prison planet called Eternal 12.
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