Copyright: cygames
Cygames, Inc. is a Japanese video game development studio established in 2011 by CyberAgent. Mobile and e-commerce company DeNA acquired a 24% stake in the studio in 2012, and Nintendo acquired another 5% stake in 2018, leaving CyberAgent with 69% of the shares and as such, they are the parent company of Cygames. From its formation, the company produced mobile games, initially on the Mobage platform, and from 2013 on Android and iOS. The company headquarters is located in Tokyo while other divisions are located in Osaka and Saga in Japan and Seoul, South Korea.
The following tags implicate this tag: dragalia_lost, granblue_fantasy, idolmaster_cinderella_girls, odin_crown, princess_connect!, princess_connect!_re:dive, rage_of_bahamut, sevens_story, shadowverse, uma_musume_pretty_derby, world_flipper (learn more).
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