casual nudity
post #3790 post #3974 post #4896807 post #4335188
Do NOT tag if the character is blushing, looks concerned, or seems otherwise embarrassed about nudity.
Do NOT tag if the character is sexually aroused or is displaying seductive behavior.
This is a general tag used when one or more characters within a post are nude in non-sexual situations. Posts with this tag typically depict a character who is nude for no apparent reason. There may also be other characters, clothed or otherwise, who are typically unconcerned by the general lack of clothing.
Don't use this tag if the nude character is behaving in a seductive manner. Some seductive behavior includes bedroom_eyes, presenting, and teasing. Don't use this tag if the nude character is sexually aroused.
Not to be confused with
- casual_exposure - When a clothed, partially_clothed, or mostly_nude character has their breasts/genitals exposed in a non-sexual manner/situation.
- pinup - When a character is posing in a sexually suggestive manner.
- pose - When a character is posing, regardless of whether or not their pose is sexually suggestive.
- embarrassed - This can imply accidental nudity or exposure.
- exposed - When a character's genitals are showing, but aren't actively being presented or used.
- forced_nudity - This is a form of forced exposure, implying that it is not casual.
- mandated_nudity - When a character is required to be nude by the law or another authority. May sometimes be casual.
- exhibitionism - When a character is nude to allure others.
- seductive - When a character is using nudity to attract an another character, which counts as sexual situation.
See Also
- social_nudity - When multiple characters are engaged in casual nudity and/or casual_exposure.
Forum Discussion
- forum #246537 - How should the 'nudist' tag be used for these posts?
- forum #308857 - Some questions regarding the casual_nudity tag
The following tags are aliased to this tag: innocent_nudity (learn more).
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