A bubble is a globule of one substance in another, usually gas in a liquid. Due to the Marangoni effect, bubbles may remain intact when they reach the surface of the immersive substance.
Non-exhaustive list
- blowing_bubble_gum - filling bubble_gum with air from a character's mouth for personal amusement
- blowing_soap_bubbles - playful activity of blowing soap_bubbles from a bubble_wand or soap foam
- bubble_bath - a recreational or beauty product that covers the surface of bathwater with foamy bubbles, which can also preserve modesty
- carbonation of beverages like various sodas and alcoholic drinks
- cum_bubble - air trapped in cum, suggesting continued sexual contact after ejaculation or a forced exit from an orifice
- drunk_bubble - cartoony emanata indicating drunkeness
- foam - a usually whitish mass of many small bubbles, often soap bubbles, sometimes "beer head" or sea foam
- snot_bubble - bubble blown from the snot of a character's nose, perhaps as a comical sleeping effect or from a stuffy or runny_nose
- suds - a foamy mix of soap and water
- underwater gases expelled from creatures breathing, man-made structures, and natural geological processes
The following tags are aliased to this tag: bubbles (learn more).
The following tags implicate this tag: cum_bubble, drunk_bubble, snot_bubble (learn more).
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