Species: animate inanimate

post #1346223 post #5374328 post #1046881 post #1329276

Animate inanimate describes characters and creatures that are essentially living objects - such as household items, electronics and toys.

These characters may have dramatic changes to their physical form, and will mostly resemble an anthro, humanoid, or feral creature, with heavy visual references to their inanimate origin (e.g. anthropomorphic game consoles).

However, this is not always the case - living dolls, plushies, and scarecrows are almost always indistinguishable from their inanimate form, outside of clearly showing signs of life, due to their inherent resemblance to living creatures. Other animate inanimates may be almost completely identical to their non-living form, but with the addition of arms, legs, eyes, faces etc.

For non-living objects use inanimate object instead.

Types of Animate Inanimate:
Related Tags:
  • object head - some object head characters are also animate inanimate
  • button eyes - a common feature on animate inanimate creatures made of cloth
  • inanimate transformation - a character may turn into an animate inanimate from this process

See also

Note that these are not considered animate inanimate

The following tags are aliased to this tag: animate_object, inanimate, living_object, male_animate_inanimate, sentient_object (learn more).

The following tags implicate this tag: diaper_creature, living_clothing, living_doll, living_inflatable, living_mask, living_pinata, living_plushie, living_shield, living_statue, living_weapon (learn more).

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