Meta: 2d animation
2D animations are animations comprised of drawn images either traditionally or digitally put together in rapid succession to simulate movement.
Not to be confused with pixel_animation.
See also:
The following tags are aliased to this tag: 2-dimension_animated, 2-dimension_animation, 2-dimensional_animated, 2-dimensional_animation, 2_dimension_animated, 2_dimension_animation, 2_dimensional_animated, 2_dimensional_animation, 2d_animated, 2d_computer_animated, 2d_computer_animation, two-dimension_animated, two-dimension_animation, two-dimensional_animated, two-dimensional_animation, two_dimension_animated, two_dimension_animation, two_dimensional_animated, two_dimensional_animation (learn more).
This tag implicates animated (learn more).
The following tags implicate this tag: motion_tweening (learn more).
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