Shepherd, a very difficult and responsible job, you need to be on your guard, because wolves are always around, especially during the season...
But it seems that this work is too boring for the Runo, it is not surprising, because when so many breeds are mixed in your blood, it is difficult to surrender to only one ancestor, so I chose the most obvious option, sleep.
And so, the Young shepherd lay down on the grass warm from the sun and carelessly warmed his arrogant muzzle.
Even blood enemies can become allies if you are in a difficult situation...
Aska was too keen on finding someone who could calm her fever that she was ready to enter dangerous territory without thinking too much...
Going in search of the one, she did not pay attention to the grazing sheep, they could not satisfy her hunger. The scent of the male became more and more vivid and distinct until she found what she was looking for, lying carelessly in the grass.
Carefully creeping up, she began to sniff her future partner, but it seems her heat was no less strong than the smell of the male, and he soon began to wake up...
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