rainbow dash (cupcakes (mlp fanfic) and etc) created by sinful pie
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Rainbow's agony

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  • sunflowers can represent happiness and optimism, we've not seen much of in-/post-recovery Dash, but, with all of her prospects being entirely upended now that she has this disability, moving on is going to be difficult, to say the least. in addition to that her missing wings, need to use a pacemaker, and likely chronic pain are not only going to be a constant agony of their own but also a reminder of what Pinkie did to her and to acquaintances, friends, and maybe a lover (am I crazy for reading Gilda and Dash's relationship in this that way?).

    also, it seems like, as with Twilight, the agonias have taken root on Dash herself. with the scars on her body looking like stems of the plant, a few leaves even sprouting. and, while they are more frequent than her own flowers, there don't seem to be as many as there were with Twi, and her own flowers have a bit more prominence as well.

    EDIT: also, maybe it's just me but I feel like this should have come out before the Twilight one. the symbolism of that image (or what I got from it at least) is a bit more explicit if you'd seen this one first.
    also,  post #5351487post #5353129
    post #5357608post #5366635post #5363822


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  • Wow, this is very cool to see what Rainbow's was gonna be and that the only one left now is Pinkie Pie, can't wait to see what it's gonna be! Sunflowers pretty much symbolizing Joy and Loyalty which is obvious RD but I also noticed that Twilight and RD has more of those flowers on their bodies moreso then the others do and I guess that could symbolically mean something as well too like importance in the story or something along those lines since RD is gonna have to deal with living with how she is now with the major injuries, trauma and all that stuff too in one bundle after what Pinkie did to her as well as Twilight helping Rainbow out and trying to dig deeper into the mystery of why Pinkie Pie did that she did to Rainbow and all the others too.

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